นี่คือเนื้อหาที่รวมตัวอย่าง คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ ยอดนิยม คัดสรรมาให้แล้ว ไปดูรายละเอียดกันเลย!

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษหมวด a - b

ableadept, capable, competent, proficient, skilled
achieveaccomplish, attain, complete, reach, realize
aimgoal, intention, purpose, target
allowconsent, grant, let, permit
answerreply, response, retort
arriveappear, enter, get to, pull in, reach
askinquire, interrogate, question, request, solicit
backbackside, behind, rear
bearendure, endure, suffer, tolerate
beginactivate, commence, initiate, start
belowbeneath, under, underneath
birthgenesis- beginning, origin
botherannoy, disturb, harass, pester
bravebold, courageous, daring, fearless, heroic
busyengaged, occupied, unavailable

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษหมวด c - f

callexclaim, scream, shout, yell- cry out
carauto, automobile, coupe, sedan, vehicle
changeadjust, alter, amend, transform, vary
childrenbrood, kids, offspring, tots, youngsters
consentacquiesce, agree, approval, blessing, permission
countrykingdom, nation, realm, state
curealleviate, heal, make well, mend, restore
delaydefer, postpone, procrastinate, put off
duringat the same time, throughout, while
dwellinhabit, live, reside
eatchomp, consume, devour, munch, wolf
effortattempt, endeavor, exertion, try
endcomplete, conclusion, finish, last part
energyforce, might, power, strength, vigor
enoughadequate, ample, plenty, sufficient
errorblunder, boo-boo, fallacy, fault, mistake
faithassurance, confidence, conviction, reliance, trust
fetchbring, bring, get, go and get, obtain
fixmend, patch up, put right, renovate, repair
flateven, flush, horizontal, level, smooth
formappearance, figure, make up, shape
frequentmany times, numerous, often, recurrent, repeated

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษหมวด g - l

giftbequest, contribution, donation, endowment, present
giveassign, grant, offer, present, provide
godepart, exit, leave, move
greatbig, enormous, grand, huge, immense
growdevelop, enlarge, expand -swell, mature
hardawkward, challenging, demanding, difficult, tough
healcure, make well, mend, repair, restore
highelevated, lofty, soaring, tall
holdclutch, embrace, grasp, grip, seize
illailing, indisposed, poorly, sick, unwell
junkdebris, garbage, rubbish, trash, waste
keyanswer, basis, secret, solution -explanation, source
kindcaring, considerate, nice, thoughtful, type
largebig, enormous, fat, great, huge
lastcontinue, end, endure, final, ultimate
learnacquire, ascertain, discover, gather, understand
likebe fond of, be keen on, be partial to, enjoy, love
littlemodest, petite, slight, small, tiny
lookglance, glance, glimpse, see, stare

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษหมวด m - r

madangry, annoyed, crazy, foolish, fuming
manya lot of, loads of, numerous, several, various
marvelousamazing, awe-inspiring, excellent, fantastic, wonderful
meannasty, represent, stand for, uncaring, unkind
mendfix, patch up, put back together, repair, restore
methodmanner, mode, process, routine, scheme
movebe in motion, go, shift, transport, travel
namedesignation, forename, surname, title
newfresh, innovative, novel, original, recent
noviceamateur, apprentice, beginner, learner, trainee
occurarise, come about, crop up, happen, take place
oftenfrequently, habitually, over and over again, regularly, time and again
oneindividual, lone, single, solitary, unit
openrelease, undo, unfasten, unlock, unwrap
ornamentadornment, decoration, embellishment, enhancement, enrichment
peoplecommunity, group, inhabitants, nation, public
playamusement, engage in recreation, fool around, frolic, have fun
prohibitban, exclude, forbid, make illegal, restrict
remotedistant, far off, faraway, isolated, out of the way
renewmend, renovate, repair, restore, revamp
respectadmiration, esteem, high opinion, honor, reverence
rightaccurate, correct, exact, perfect, precise

คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษหมวด s - w

saycry, remark, shout, speak, state
seemappear, give the impression, look, look as if, look like
showdemonstrate, display, explain, illustrate
startbegin, birth, create, found, initiation
stopcease, discontinue, end, finish, halt
strengthenergy, force, might, power, vigor
supplybring, contribute, deliver, give, provide
takeacquire, get, grab, grasp, seize
tenseanxious, apprehensive, edgy, nervous, uptight
thiefbandit, crook, pickpocket, robber, shoplifter
tinyinsignificant, little, miniature, petite, small
uglyhideous, homely, plain, unattractive, unpleasant
understandcomprehend, grasp, know, realize, recognize
urgeadvise, advocate, beg, recommend, support
useapply, employ, exercise, operate, utilize
valueassessment, cost, price, rate, worth
vastenormous, huge, immense, immense, infinite
verifyattest to, authenticate, confirm, corroborate, prove
victorchamp, champion, conqueror, defeater, winner
walkmove, pace, saunter, stride, stroll
wantcrave, fancy, require, wish for, yearn for
wealthaffluent, fortune, prosperity, riches, treasures

หวังว่าทุกคนคงได้อิ่มเอมใจกับคำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษทั้ง 100 คำที่แบ่งปันกันไปแล้วนะคะ และหวังว่าคำเหล่านี้จะเป็นประโยชน์ให้สามารถนำไปใช้ในชีวิตประจำวันได้บ้าง

หากยังมีคำที่ตกหล่นไปหรือคำไหนที่ไม่ได้กล่าวถึง สามารถแจ้งหรือแนะนำเพิ่มเติมกันเข้ามาได้เลยค่ะ

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