รวมหมวดหมู่ของ Synonyms ตามประเภทของคำ และแยกหมวดตามตัวอักษร A-Z
ทีมงานได้ทำการรวบรวม Synonyms – คำความหมายเหมือนกัน พร้อมความหมาย และทำการจัดกลุ่มหมวดหมู่ออกเป็นกลุ่ม ตามลักษณะของคำ และจัดกลุ่มตามตัวอักษร A-Z ไว้ให้ครบถ้วนแล้ว ดังต่อไปนี้
Synonyms – คำความหมายเหมือนกัน จัดกลุ่มตามประเภทของสำนวน
- a lot of
- abhorrence
- abscond
- absolve
- absurd
- accelerate
- acclaim
- accomplish
- account
- Accurate
- accurate
- ache
- acquiesce
- acquire
- activate
- active
- adept
- adequate
- adjust
- admiration
- admire
- adornment
- adversity
- advertise
- advise
- advocate
- affluent
- aged
- agree
- ahead of
- aid
- ailing
- aim
- alarm
- alleviate
- alter
- amateur
- amaze
- amazing
- amble
- amend
- ample
- amusement
- ancient
- anecdote
- angry
- annoy
- annoyance
- annoyed
- answer
- anxious
- apologetic
- appear
- appearance
- applaud
- apply
- appreciation
- appreciative
- apprehensive
- apprentice
- approval
- arduous
- arise
- articulate
- ascertain
- assault
- assemble
- assessment
- assign
- assist
- assurance
- astound
- at a halt
- at a standstill
- at rest
- at the same time
- attack
- attain
- attempt
- attest to
- audition
- authenticate
- auto
- automobile
- autonomy
- available
- award
- awe-inspiring
- awkward
- backside
- bamboozle
- ban
- bandit
- bar
- basis
- be fond of
- be in motion
- be indecisive
- be irresolute
- be keen on
- be partial to
- beat
- beg
- begin
- beginner
- behind
- belated
- believe
- beneath
- benevolent
- benign
- bequest
- bestow
- big
- birth
- blare
- blast
- blemish
- blessing
- blissful
- blooper
- blunder
- bold
- bony
- boo-boo
- borough
- boundary
- brand
- break in
- break up
- breakable
- breed
- bring
- bring together
- brittle
- brood
- bubbly
- budge
- build
- bulky
- burglar
- by
- calamity
- call for
- callous
- capable
- capacity
- captivate
- career
- careless
- caring
- carry on
- cart
- catastrophe
- category
- cautious
- cease
- challenging
- champ
- champion
- change
- chaos
- charge
- check
- cheerful
- chief
- child
- chomp
- chow
- chronicle
- chubby
- circle
- citizens
- clamor
- clarify
- clasp
- class
- clatter
- climax
- close by
- clutch
- combine
- combine- unite
- come about
- come across
- commence
- commend
- community
- compassionate
- competent
- complete
- component
- compose
- composed
- comprehend
- con
- conceal
- concept
- conclusion
- confer
- confidence
- confirm
- congratulate
- conqueror
- consent
- considerate
- consolidate
- Constant
- construct
- consume
- contemplate
- content
- continue
- contribute
- contribution
- control
- conviction
- correct
- Correct
- corroborate
- cosmic
- cost
- count
- countless
- coupe
- couple
- courageous
- cover
- covet
- coy
- craft
- crave
- crazy
- create
- credit
- crest
- crook
- crop up
- crucial
- cruel
- cry
- cuisine
- cure
- cut
- damage
- daring
- dash
- debris
- deceive
- declare
- decline
- decoration
- Dedicated
- defeater
- defer
- deference
- deficiency
- defrost
- delayed
- delete
- deliberate
- delicate
- deliver
- demanding
- demonstrate
- denote
- depart
- deposit
- depressed
- design
- designation
- desire
- despicable
- despise
- destroy
- detest
- develop
- Devoted
- devour
- difficult
- diminish
- diminutive
- disallow
- disappear
- discern
- discontinue
- discover
- disgrace
- disgust
- dishonor
- display
- dissimilar
- dissolve
- distant
- disturb
- dither
- diverse
- division
- donation
- draft
- drawn out
- dumbfounded
- duo
- dupe
- Dutiful
- dwindle
- dynamic
- earlier than
- earnings
- earth
- easily broken
- eavesdrop
- ecstatic
- edge
- edgy
- elderly
- element
- elevated
- elongated
- elucidate
- emaciated
- embarrassment
- embellishment
- embrace
- employ
- employment
- empty
- enchant
- end
- endeavor
- endowment
- endure
- energetic
- energy
- engage in recreation
- engaged
- enhancement
- enjoy
- enlarge
- enlighten
- enormous
- enrapture
- enrichment
- enter
- enthrall
- entire
- equip
- eradicate
- error
- essential
- establish
- esteem
- even
- every
- every one
- exact
- Exact
- examination
- exceed
- excellent
- exclaim
- exclaim -
- exclude
- excuse
- execute
- exercise
- exertion
- exhort
- exit
- exonerate
- expand -swell
- experiment
- explain
- expound
- expression
- extended
- extensive
- exterminate
- extraordinary
- exultant
- fabulous- superb
- facilitate
- Factual
- fair
- Faithful
- fallacy
- falter
- fancy
- fantastic
- far off
- faraway
- fascinate
- fat
- fault
- faux pas
- fearful
- fearless
- feeble
- figure
- final
- finish
- Firm
- fix
- flabbergasted
- flaw
- flimsy
- fluctuate
- flush
- folio
- following
- fool around
- foolish
- foray
- forbid
- force
- forced entry
- forename
- forgive
- forgive and forget
- formulate
- fortune
- found
- foundation
- fraction
- fragile
- frail
- free will
- frequently
- fresh
- frighten
- frolic
- fuming
- furious
- furnish
- fury
- fuse
- gaffe
- garbage
- gather
- gaze
- genesis- beginning
- gentle
- get
- get rid of
- get to
- gigantic
- give
- give details
- give the impression
- glad
- glance
- glare
- glimpse
- globe
- gloomy
- go
- go and get
- go away
- go beyond
- go on
- go round
- goal
- gorge
- grab
- grand
- grant
- grasp
- gratitude
- great
- greenhorn
- grip
- groceries
- group
- grueling
- habitually
- halt
- happen
- harass
- harm
- haste
- hasten
- hasty
- haul
- have fun
- hazard
- heal
- hear
- heavy
- hefty
- helpful
- heroic
- hesitate
- hideous
- high opinion
- hike
- hit the highest point
- hold
- homely
- honest
- honor
- horizontal
- horrify
- huge
- humane
- humiliation
- hump
- hurry
- hurt
- hustle
- ignominy
- illustrate
- immeasurable
- immediately
- immense
- immobile
- impartial
- imperfection
- imply
- improve
- in a minute
- in close proximity -in the neighborhood
- in front of
- in the sticks
- in the vicinity
- in the vicinity of
- inaccessible
- inaccuracy
- inattentive
- inception
- indebted
- independence
- indicate
- indignity
- indisposed
- individual
- infamy
- infinite
- infuriated
- ingredient
- inhabit
- inhabitants
- initiate
- initiation
- initiative
- innovative
- inquire
- insane
- inscribe
- insignificant
- insinuate
- instance
- instant
- intention
- interrogate
- invade
- irate
- irresponsible
- isolated
- jeopardy
- job
- join
- jovial
- joyous
- keep at it
- keep on
- keep trying
- key
- kids
- kingdom
- knot
- know
- labor
- lad
- lanky
- large
- last part
- lay
- leaf
- lean
- learner
- leave
- leave out
- legend
- lengthy
- lessen
- let
- let off
- level
- liberty
- limitless
- limp
- liquefy
- litter
- little
- live
- live longer than
- livid
- loads of
- loathe- dislike
- locate
- lock
- lofty
- lone
- look
- look as if
- look like
- love
- Loyal
- ludicrous
- lug
- lump
- main
- major
- make clear
- make good
- make illegal
- make up
- make well
- malicious
- manner
- many times
- march
- margin
- mark
- market
- mature
- max out
- may
- means
- measureless
- melt
- menace
- mend
- merge
- merit
- mesmerize
- metropolis
- microscopic
- might
- miniature
- minuscule
- minute
- minute- miniature
- miscalculation
- miserable
- misguided
- misstep
- mistake
- mode
- modest
- modify
- moment
- momentum
- moral
- morose
- mortified
- most important
- most recent
- motionless
- mountaintop
- move
- muddle
- mull over
- multitudinous
- munch
- municipality
- murder
- muscle
- narrate
- nasty
- nation
- natives
- necessitate
- negative
- nervous
- next to
- nice
- not getting any younger
- not in use
- not taken
- nourishment
- novel
- now
- numerous
- nutty
- obese
- obliged
- obtain
- occasion
- occupation
- occupied
- offer
- offering
- offspring
- often
- operate
- origin
- original
- out of control
- out of the way
- outdo
- outlast
- outshine
- over and over again
- overlook
- oversight
- overweight
- own
- pace
- pandemonium
- partition
- pass over
- patch up
- pay attention
- peaceful
- peek
- peep
- penitent
- perfect
- perhaps
- peril
- perimeter
- permission
- permit
- persevere
- persist
- pester
- petite
- petrify
- pickpocket
- piece
- piece of paper
- pioneer
- pivot
- place
- plain
- plan
- plane
- planet
- plant
- plead
- pleased
- plenty
- plump
- point
- point in time
- ponder
- poorly
- populace
- portend
- portion
- position
- possess
- postpone
- potency
- power
- precise
- present
- presently
- press
- previous
- previous to
- price
- prime
- principal
- prior to
- problematic
- proceeds -pay
- process
- procrastinate
- procure
- profession
- proficient
- progress
- pronounce
- propel
- Proper
- proper
- proposal
- prosperity
- protrude
- prove
- provide
- provisions
- prudent
- public
- pull in
- puny
- purport
- purpose
- put back together
- put off
- put pen to paper
- put right
- question
- quick
- racket
- rage
- ransack
- rapid
- rash
- rate
- reach
- reach your peak
- reach your zenith
- realize
- realm
- rear
- recent
- recognition
- recognize
- recommend
- record
- recurrent
- reduce
- reflect
- refurbish
- regretful
- regularly
- relaxed
- release
- reliance
- remark
- remorseful
- remove
- renovate
- repair
- repeated
- repeatedly
- repentant
- replenish
- reply
- represent
- repulsive
- request
- require
- resentment
- reside
- response
- restore
- restrict
- retail
- retain
- retort
- retrieve
- revamp
- revenue
- reverence
- revive
- revolting
- revolve
- revulsion
- rework
- riches
- ridiculous
- Right
- right
- righteous
- risk
- robber
- robbery
- roll
- romp
- rotate
- routine
- rubbish
- rule out
- run off
- rush
- sad
- saunter
- scare
- scheme
- scheme- suggestion
- schoolboy
- scores of
- scrap
- scrawny
- scream
- scurry
- seal
- search
- secluded
- secret
- secrete
- section
- secure
- sedan
- see
- seek
- segregate
- seize
- separate
- serene
- set
- several
- shape
- sheet
- shift
- shock -frighten
- shoplifter
- shout
- shrink
- shut
- shy
- sick
- side
- signify
- silent
- Sincere
- sincere
- single
- situate
- sizeable
- skeletal
- skilled
- skinny
- skip
- slaughter
- slay
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slip up
- small
- smooth
- snoop
- soaring
- soften
- solicit
- solitary
- solution -explanation
- soreness
- sort
- sound
- source
- sovereignty
- speak
- spectacular
- spin
- spirited
- splendid
- split
- Spot On
- stagnant
- stand for
- stare
- start
- stash
- state
- statement
- sting
- stir
- stock
- store
- storm
- stout
- straightforward
- strength
- stressed
- stretched
- stride
- strive
- stroll
- struggle
- stumble on
- stunning
- style
- subsequent
- substantiate
- sudden
- suffer
- sufficient
- suggest
- sullen
- sum up
- summit
- support
- surname
- surprise
- survive
- sustenance
- swell
- swiftness
- swindle
- sympathetic
- system
- take note
- take place
- tale
- tall
- tally
- tardy
- target
- technique
- trade
- tranquil
- truthful
- unpleasant
- vigor