หรือคุณกำลังค้นหา Bleeder, therein, whereon, herein, whereat, thereon, เฌอมินทร์
แปลว่าอย่างไร (คำโบราณ)
แปลว่าอยู่ที่ไหน (คำโบราณ)
Break Test (for tempered steel)
แปลว่า(english) A method of testing hardened and tempered high carbon spring steel strip wherein the specimen is held and bent across the grain in a vice-like calibrated testing machine. Pressure is applied until the metal fractures at which point a reading is taken and compared with a standard chart of brake limitations for various thickness ranges.
แปลว่า(english) A defect wherein a casting lacks completeness due to moltn metal draining or leaking out of some part of the mold cavity after pouraing has stopped.
Basic Oxygen Process 2
แปลว่า(english) A steel making process wherein oxygen of the highest purity is blown onto the surface of a bath of molten iron contained in a basic lined and ladle shaped vessel. The melting cycle duration is extremely short with quality comparable to Open Hearth Steel.