rest for a while
sing while paddling a boat
l still think about her once in a while
every once in a while
แปลว่าเป็นครั้งคราว, บางครั้ง
Some dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them
While I breathe , I hope
แปลว่าตราบใดที่ยังมีลมหายใจอยู่ ฉันก็ยังมีหวัง
Make hay while the sun shines
Strike while the iron is hot
B Elevation
แปลว่า(english) The bottom level of the boiler firebox where two oil guns are located. The oil guns are used if the boiler needs extra steam while on oil fire.
Black Oil Tempered Spring Steel Strip (Scaleless Blue)
แปลว่า(english) A flat cold rolled usually .70/.80 medium high carbon steel strip, blue-black in color, which has been quenched in oil and drawn to desired hardness. While it looks and acts much like blue tempered spring steel and carries a Rockwell hardness of C44/47, it has not been polished and is lower in carbon content. Used for less exacting requirements than clock spring steel, such as snaps, lock springs, hold down springs, trap springs, etc. It will take a more severe bend before fracture than will clock spring, but it does not have the same degree of spring-back.
ความหมายคล้ายกันกับat the same time,throughout,while
for a while