ค้นเจอ 104 รายการ

Aluminous Cement

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A hydraulic cement in which the principal constituents are calcium aluminates, instead of calcium silicates which comprise the major ingredients of portland cement. (See calcium aluminate cement)

Air Entraining Agent

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) An addition for hydraulic cement, or an admixture for concrete or mortar which entrains air in the form of minute bubbles in the concrete or mortar during mixing.


แปลว่า(english) A mechanical device used to align the shaft of an electric motor (or other rotary device) with the shaft of a hydraulic pump to maintain radial and parallel shaft alignment.


แปลว่า(english) A support contributes to keeping a structure in place by restraining one or more degrees of freedom. In a structural model, supports represent boundary entities which are not included in the model itself, e.g., foundations, abutments, or the earth itself. For each restrained translation degree of freedom at a support, there is a corresponding reaction force; for each restrained rotation degree of freedom, there is a reaction moment.

Cement, Portland (ASTM C150) (Concrete Engineering)

แปลว่าA powdery substance made by burning, at a high temperature, a mixture of clay and limestone producing lumps called “clinkers” which are ground into a fine powder consisting of hydraulic calcium silicates. For non-portland cements, see aluminous cement.

Secretariat of the Prime Minister



Gillmore Needle

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A device used in determining time of setting of hydraulic cement, described in ASTM 0 266. Gradation The sizing of granular materials; for concrete materials, usually expressed in terms of cumulative percentages larger or smaller than each of a series of sieve openings or the percentages between certain ranges of sieve openings.


แปลว่า(english) Connection is similar to the concept of support, except that connection refers to a relationship between members in a structural model. A connection restrains degrees of freedom of one member with respect to another. For each restrained degree of freedom, there is a corresponding force transferred from one member to the other; forces associated with unrestrained degrees of freedom are zero. See fixed connection and pin connection.