ค้นเจอ 349 รายการ

Boron Steels

แปลว่า(english) The addition of boron in the range 0.0005-0.005% to certain steels increases the hardenability. A range of boron steels is now listed in the current BS 970 and are widely used for the production of cold headed fastenings.


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the person who actually used to software or the product that has software embedded within it


แปลว่า(english) This is a general term which may be applied to materials or structures. When a force is applied to a structure, there is a displacement in the direction of the force; stiffness is the ratio of the force divided by the displacement. High stiffness means that a large force produces a small displacement. When discussing the stiffness of a material, the concept is the same, except that stress substitutes for force, and strain substitutes for displacement; see modulus of elasticity.


แปลว่าหลอดสูญญากาศชนิดมี 4 ไส้

lengthening rod

แปลว่าก้านต่อเครื่องเจาะ ซึ่งปลายด้านหนึ่งเป็นเกลียวตัวผู้ ปลายอีกด้านหนึ่งเป้นเกลียวตัวเมีย สำหรับต่อด้ามเครื่องมือ เจาะให้ยาวออกไปอีก

rod clutch


By Coil

แปลว่า(english) Selling term which refers to product sold in the form of a coil vs. cut plate. "Bi Coil" is also used in production to refer to coils vs. cut plate

tie rod

แปลว่าเหล็กยึดบันได หรือลูกนอน ซึ่งใช้แทนลูกตั้งของบันได

Bright Drawing

แปลว่า(english) The process of drawing hot rolled steel through a die to impart close dimensional tolerances, a bright scale free surface and improved mechanical properties. The product is termed bright steel.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Energetic agitation of concrete to assist in its consolidation, produced by mechanical oscillating devices at moderately high frequencies. (A.) External vibration employs a device attached to the forms and is particularly applicable to the manufacture of precast items and for the vibration of tunnel lining forms. (B.) Internal vibration employs an element which can be inserted into the concrete; and is more generally used for cast-in-place construction.


แปลว่า(english) Chemical symbol Bi. A soft, course cystalline heavy metal with a silvery white color and pinkish tinge; usually produced as a by-product of copper,leaad and other metals. Has a thermal conductivity lower than all other metals except mercury. Used as alloying agent but leading use is in pharmaceuticals.

Brown Sharp Gages

แปลว่า(english) A standard series of sizes refered to by numbers, in which the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal is generally produced and which is used in the manufacture of brass, bronze, copper, copper-base alloys and aluminum. These gage numbers have a definite relationship to each other. In this system, the decimal thickness is reduced by 50% every six gage numbers- while temper is expressed by the number of B&S gage numbers as cold reduced in thickness from previous annealing. For each B&S gage number in thickness reduction, where is assigned a hardness value of 1/4 hard.