with one's full effort
be full of ideas
full of hot air
หมวดพูดไม่รู้เรื่อง , พูดไร้สาระ
come to a full year
have one's hands full (with)
แปลว่ายุ่งวุ่นวายอยู่กับ, ใช้เวลาทั้งหมดไปกับบางสิ่ง
be full of ups and downs
แปลว่าลุ่มๆ ดอนๆ
You have my full support. / You have my backing
lie with both hands and feet stretch out at full length
A man of word not a man of deed is like a garden full of weed
แปลว่าคนที่พูดแต่ไม่ทำ ก็เหมือนสวนที่เต็มไปด้วยวัชพืช
แปลว่า(english) The full name for z-mill is Sendzimir mill. A Z-mill operates with a very small diameter work roll, normally about 2 inches, backed up by a number of rolls in a pyramid-shaped stack. This roll set up allows you to exert extremely high forces through the work roll and yet keep the work roll from extreme flexing. The take-up roll on the Z-Mill also exerts a tension on the coil as it comes through the mill. The combination of high pressure and tension makes the mill capable of rolling material thin and flat.