A.G.C. Systems
แปลว่า(Automatic Gauge Control) Hydraulic or electric system that supplies the force to the A.G.C. roll force cylinders.
Bright Basic Wire
แปลว่า(english) Bright steel wire, slightly softer than Bright Bessemer Wire. Used for round head wood screws, bolts and rivets, electric welded chain, etc.
แปลว่า(วิศว) หน่วยวัดความยาวเป็นเมตร; เครื่องวัด เช่น water meter = เครื่องวัดจำนวนน้ำ, หม้อมีเต้อรวัดน้ำ; electric meter = หม้อมีเต้อรวัดกระแสไฟฟ้า ฯลฯ
แปลว่า(english) A mechanical device used to align the shaft of an electric motor (or other rotary device) with the shaft of a hydraulic pump to maintain radial and parallel shaft alignment.
Acid Process 1
แปลว่า(english) A process of making steel, either Bessemer, open-hearth or electric, in which the furnace is lined with a siliceous refractory and for which low phosphorus pig iron is required as this element is not removed.
Agglomerating Processes
แปลว่า(english) "Fine particles of limestone (flux) and iron ore are difficult to handle and transport because of dusting and decomposition, so the powdery material usually is processed into larger pieces. The raw material's properties determine the technique that is used by mills. 1) SINTER Baked particles that stick together in roughly one-inch chunks. Normally used for iron ore dust collected from the blast furnaces. 2) PELLETS Iron ore or limestone particles are rolled into little balls in a balling drum and hardened by heat. 3) BRIQUETTES Small lumps are formed by pressing material together. Hot Iron Briquetting (HBI) is a concentrated iron ore substitute for scrap for use in electric furnaces.