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แปลว่าหมวกกลมทำจากผ้าสักหลาดของชาวสก็อต (tam)


Clarifier (sedimentation basin)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A tank in which quiescent settling occurs, allowing solid particles suspended in the water to agglomerate and settle to the bottom of the tank. The solids resulting from the settling being removed as a sludge.


แปลว่า(english) Motion of an object where the path of every point is a circle or circular arc. A rotation is defined by a point and vector which determine the axis of rotation. The direction of the vector is the direction of the axis and the magnitude of the vector is the angle of rotation.

Chemical fixation (or stabilization/solidification)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A term for several different methods of chemically immobilizing hazardous materials into a cement, plastic, or other matrix.


แปลว่า(english) Stability is best defined as the opposite of instability, which is the occurrence of large structural deformations which are not the result of material failure.

tank irrigation

แปลว่าการชลประทานแบบอ่างเก็บน้ำ : ดู irrigation, tank


แปลว่า(ดาราศาสตร์) กลุ่มดาวที่เกาะกลุ่มมองเห็นคล้ายฝุ่นคลุ้ง เรียกอีกชื่อว่า "star cloud"

perched water table

แปลว่าระดับน้ำใต้ดินเทียม : ดู water table, perched

Statically equivalent:

แปลว่า(english) Two force systems are statically equivalent when their resultants are equal. Physically, this means that the force systems tend to impart the same motion when applied to an object; note that the distribution of resulting internal forces in the object may be different.

Statically indeterminate:

แปลว่า(english) A statically indeterminate structure is one where there is more than one distribution of internal forces and/or reactions which satisfies equilibrium.

Elementary reaction

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A reaction in which the rate expression corresponds to the stoichiometric equation.

Sulfate Attack

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Deleterious chemical and/or physical re-action between sulfates in ground water or soil and certain constituents in cement, which result in expansion and disruption of the concrete.