one's heart skips a beat
แปลว่าใจเต้นตึกตัก, ใจเต้นระส่ำ
beat someone to his knees
แปลว่าทำให้พ่ายแพ้อย่างราบคาบ, ทำให้แพ้อย่างมาก
beat someone at his own game
column of water moving rapidly into the air
beat a Thai wooden rhythm instrument
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Beating Him At His Own Game
Fair And Square
beat the cadence for the oarsmen in a boat race
Beating A Dead Horse
Aging 2
แปลว่า(english) A change in properties that occurs at ambient or moderately elevated temperatures after hot working or a heat treating operation (quench aging in ferrous alloys), or after a cold working operation (strain aging). The change in properties is often, but not always, due to a phase change (precipitation), but does not involve a change in chemical composition. In a metal or alloy, a change in properties that generally occurs slowly at room temperature and more rapidly at higher temperatures.