ค้นเจอ 66 รายการ

Abrasion 1

แปลว่า(english) The displacement and/or detachment of metallic particles from a surface as a consequence of being exposed to flowing solids, fluids or gases. The process of rubbing, grinding, or wearing away by friction.


แปลว่า(english) (1) Permanently damaging a metal or alloy by heating to cause either incipient melting or intergranular oxidation. (2) In grinding getting the work hot enough to cause discoloration or to change the microstructure by tempering or hardening.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The mass of the compound which will produce one mole of available reacting substance. Thus, for an acid, this would be the mass of acid which will produce one mole of H+, for a base, one mole of OH-.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The potential of an atom to attract electrons when the atom is bonded in a compound. The scale is 0 to 4 with 0 being the most electropositive (low attraction) and 4 being the most electronegative (high attraction).

Abrasive 1

แปลว่า(english) Material for grinding, polishing, blasting, either in loose form or bonded to form wheels, bricks, or files, or applied to paper and cloth by glue or resin. Natural abrasives include emery, corundum, garnet, sand, flint, etc. Metallic shot and grit are also used as abrasives in cleaning castings

Reactive waste

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A waste which; 1) reacts violently with water, 2) forms potentially explosive mixtures with water, 3) is normally unstable, 4) contains cyanide or sulfide in sufficient quantity to evolve toxic fumes at high or low pH, 5) is capable of exploding if heated under pressure, or 6) is an explosive compound listed in Department of Transportation (DoT) regulations. One of EPA's four hazardous waste properties.