construction and renovation of temples
place a construction on
put a construction on
แปลว่าตีความ, แปลความ
Costs of the Construction Work
Conditions of Contract for Construction
Constructiou Division
แปลว่ากองก่อสร้าง (ในส่วนราชการ) College of Cesigns and Construction = วิทยาลัยวิชาการก่อสร้าง (บางพลัด ธนบุรี) Division of Cesigns and Construction = กองออกแบบและก่อสร้าง (ในส่วนราชการของกรมโยธาเทศบาล) School of Building Construction = โรงเรียนช่างก่อสร้าง
Detailed Estimate of Construction Cost by the Contractor
Thai pattern of Thai construction of common houses without the gable
Nonpoint source pollution (NPSP)
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Any pollution from a source which cannot be attributed to a particular discharge point, e.g. from agricultural crops, city streets, construction sites, etc.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A method of concrete construction such as where members are cast horizontally near their eventual position, usually on a recently placed slab, and then tilted into place after removal of forms.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Energetic agitation of concrete to assist in its consolidation, produced by mechanical oscillating devices at moderately high frequencies. (A.) External vibration employs a device attached to the forms and is particularly applicable to the manufacture of precast items and for the vibration of tunnel lining forms. (B.) Internal vibration employs an element which can be inserted into the concrete; and is more generally used for cast-in-place construction.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) 1) Reaction between the products of portland cement (soluble calcium hydroxides), water and carbon dioxide to produce insoluble calcium carbonate (efflorescence). 2) Soft white, chalky surface dusting of freshly placed, unhardened concrete caused by carbon dioxide from unvented heaters or gasoline powered equipment in an enclosed space. 3) Carbonated, dense, impermeable to absorption, top layer of the surface of concrete caused by surface reaction to carbon dioxide. This carbonated layer becomes denser and deeper over a period of time. 4) Reaction with carbon dioxide which produces a slight shrinkage in concrete. Improves chemical stability. Concrete masonry units during manufacturing may be deliberately exposed to carbon dioxide after reaching 80% strength to induce carbonation shrinkage to make the units more dimensionally stable. Future drying shrinkage is reduced by as much as 30%.