ค้นเจอ 47 รายการ

a member of the royal family




แปลว่าคำย่อของ Master of Ceremonies/Medical Corps/Member of Congress


Elastic Shortening

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The shortening of a member in pre-stressed concrete which occurs on the application of forces induced by prestressing.

Axial force:

แปลว่า(english) A system of internal forces whose resultant is a force acting along the longitudinal axis of a structural member or assembly.


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A concrete unit, structure or member that is cast and cured in an area other than its final position or place.

Bearing Load

แปลว่า(english) A compressive load supported by a member, usually a tube or collar, along a line where contact is made with a pin, rivet, axle, or shaft.


แปลว่า(english) An system of internal forces whose resultant is a force acting perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a structural member or assembly: sometimes called shear force.


แปลว่า(english) Connection is similar to the concept of support, except that connection refers to a relationship between members in a structural model. A connection restrains degrees of freedom of one member with respect to another. For each restrained degree of freedom, there is a corresponding force transferred from one member to the other; forces associated with unrestrained degrees of freedom are zero. See fixed connection and pin connection.

Fixed connection:

แปลว่า(english) In two dimensions, a fixed connection between two members restrains all three degrees of freedom of the connected member with respect to one another. A fixed connection is sometimes called a rigid connection or moment-resisting connection.

Bearing Strength

แปลว่า(english) The maximum bearing load at failure divided by the effective bearing area. In a pinned or riveted joint, the iffective area is calculated as the product of the diameter of the hole and the thickness of the bearing member.


หมายถึง[สะมา-] (คณิต) น. สิ่งแต่ละสิ่งที่มีปรากฏอยู่ในเซตใดเซตหนึ่ง เช่น { ก, ข, ค } คือ เซตของอักษร ๓ ตัวแรกในภาษาไทย มีสมาชิก ๓ ตัว, สิ่งที่ปรากฏอยู่ในคู่อันดับใดคู่อันดับหนึ่ง เช่น (ก, ข) คือ คู่อันดับหนึ่งที่มี ก เป็นสมาชิกตัวหน้า ข เป็นสมาชิกตัวหลัง. (อ. element, member).