The determined man finds the way, the other finds an excuse or alibi
Absolute Volume
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The volume of an ingredient in its solid state, without voids between individual pieces or particles, in the case of fluids, the cubic content occupied. In concrete, the actual volume occupied by the different ingredients determined by dividing the weight of each ingredient pounds, by ifs specific gravity, times the weight of one cubic foot of water in pounds. Example: Absolute Volume of one sack of cement equals: 94 ๗ (3.15X62.4) = 0.478 cubic feet
Brinell Hardness Test
แปลว่า(english) A common standard method of measuring the hardness of materials. The smooth surface of the metal is subjected to indentation by a hardened steel ball under pressure. The diameter of the indentation, in the material surface, is then measured by a microscope and the hardness value is read from a chart or determined by a prescribed formula.
แปลว่า(english) Motion of an object where the path of every point is a circle or circular arc. A rotation is defined by a point and vector which determine the axis of rotation. The direction of the vector is the direction of the axis and the magnitude of the vector is the angle of rotation.
Brinell Hardness Number
แปลว่า(english) The value of hardness of a metal on an arbitrary scale representing kg/mm2, determined by measuring the diameter of the impression made by a ball of given diameter applied under a known load. Values are expressed in Brinell Hardness Numbers, BHN
กริยาช่อง 2Predetermined
กริยาช่อง 3Predetermined
กริยาช่อง 2Undermined
กริยาช่อง 3Undermined
determine on
แปลว่าดื้อดึง, ไม่ประนีประนอม, ดึงดัน, ซึ่งไม่ยอมเปลี่ยน
Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds