ค้นเจอ 74 รายการ

Organic nitrogen

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Nitrogen contained as amines in organic compounds such as amino acids and proteins.

Basket Screen

แปลว่า(english) A first stage in-line water filter for water delivered from the New Blowing Room Pump Room to the Blast Furnace. The strainer contains an electric-driven rotary sieve that catches particulates and prevents them from entering the water system.

battery container

แปลว่า(ไฟฟ้า) เปลือกหม้อแบตเตอรี่, ลักษณะเป็นยางแข็ง หรือส่วนประกอบพลาสติกหล่อเป็นรูปหม้อแบตเตอรี่ตามความต้องการ

Mass Curing

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Adiabatic curing, using sealed containers.

Data dictionary

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a database that contains definitions of all data items defined during analysis; see also, Requirements dictionary


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Consumed or used water from a municipality or industry that contains dissolved and/or suspended matter.


แปลว่า(english) A eutectoid transformation product of ferrite and a fine dispersion of carbide, generally formed at temperatures below 840 to 930 F (450 to 500 C): upper bainite is an aggregate containing parallel lath-shape units of ferrite, produces the so-called feathery appearance in optical microscopy, and is formed at temperatures above about 660 F (350 C); lower bainite consists of individual plate-shape units and is formed at temperatures below about 660 F (350 C). Also, a slender, needle-like (acicular) microstructure appearing in spring steel strip characterized by toughness and greater ductility than tempered Martensite. Bainite is a decomposition product of Austenite best developed at interrupted holding temperatures below those forming fine pearlite and above those giving Martensite.

Cellular Concrete

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A lightweight product consisting of portland cement, cement-pozzolan, cement sand, lime-pozzolan, or lime-sand pastes, or pastes containing blends of these ingredients and having a homogenous void or cell structure, attained with gas forming chemicals or foaming agents. For cellular concretes, containing binder ingredients other than or in addition to portland cement, autoclave curing is usually employed.

the first of the twenty-eight constellations containing 7 stars







แปลว่ายับยั้ง, ควบคุมความรู้สึก



แปลว่าภาชนะใส่ของ, หีบบรรจุ