ค้นเจอ 4,893 รายการ

Cellular Concrete

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A lightweight product consisting of portland cement, cement-pozzolan, cement sand, lime-pozzolan, or lime-sand pastes, or pastes containing blends of these ingredients and having a homogenous void or cell structure, attained with gas forming chemicals or foaming agents. For cellular concretes, containing binder ingredients other than or in addition to portland cement, autoclave curing is usually employed.


แปลว่าีการมี 4 valences


Bench Lathe

แปลว่า(english) A small lathe mounted on a bench or table.

AAC - Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Exceptionally lightweight precast concrete with high thermal qualities and fire resistence. Suitable for cutting with ordinary hand tools. Mix design is composed of portland cement, sand or siliceous material, lime, gypsum, finely powdered aluminum, and water. Initial mix is a combination of portland cement, sand, lime and gypsum to produce a slurry. Finely powdered aluminum mixed into a paste is added prior to placement into large, rail-like forms. The finely powdered aluminum reacts with the alkaline components of the cement and lime to produce hydrogen gas, which increases the volume approximately five times producing a uniformly, dispersed cellular structure. Units are cut to required shape. Units are placed in an autoclave, an enclosed pressurized chamber, and steam cured at 3500 F. Approximately 80% of the ultimate volume consists of air voids.

adjustable resistance

แปลว่า(ไฟฟ้า) บางทีก็เรียก variable resistance ความฝืดของวัตถุของกระแสไฟฟ้าที่ปรับให้เพิ่มขึ้นหรือลดลงได้

Cement, Portland (ASTM C150) (Concrete Engineering)

แปลว่าA powdery substance made by burning, at a high temperature, a mixture of clay and limestone producing lumps called “clinkers” which are ground into a fine powder consisting of hydraulic calcium silicates. For non-portland cements, see aluminous cement.

regular maintenance

แปลว่าการบำรุงรักษาปกติ : ดู maintenance, regular

Preplaced Concrete

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Concrete manufactured by placing clean, graded coarse aggregate in a form and later injecting a portland cement-sand grout under pressure, to fill the voids.

penny weight

แปลว่า( มาตราชั่งเงินทอง = 1/20 troy once ) หนึ่งใน 20 ออนซ์


แปลว่า(english) A mark transferred to the strip surface from a defective process roll. Similar to dent or punchmark.


แปลว่า(english) Similar to the concept of center of gravity, except that it applies to a two dimensional shape rather than an object. For a given shape, the centroid location corresponds to the center of gravity for a thin flat plate of that shape, made from a homogeneous material.

applicaion efficiency

แปลว่าประสิทธิภาพการให้น้ำ : อัตราส่วนร้อยละ ของอัตราส่วนระหว่างปริมาณการใช้น้ำของพืชรวมทั้งการรั้วซึม ต่อปริมาณน้ำชลประทานทั้งหมดที่ต้องส่งให้จากท่อส่งน้ำเข้านา