ค้นเจอ 349 รายการ

Blast Furnace 2

แปลว่า(english) A vertical shaft type smelting furnace in which an air blast is used, usually hot, for producing pih iron. The furnace is continuous in operation using iron ore, coke, and limestone as raw materials which are charged at the top while the molten iron and slag are collected at the bottom and are tapped out at intervals.

Blast Furnace Slag

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A non-metallic waste product developed in the manufacture of pig iron, consisting basically of a mixture of lime, silica and alumina, the same oxides that make up portland cement, but not in the same proportions or forms. It is used both in the manufacture of portland blast furnace slag cement and as an aggregate for lightweight concrete.

negative electrode

แปลว่าขั้วไฟฟ้าลบของแบตเตอรี่, แผ่นโลหะธาตุซึ่งทำเป็นขั้วลบในแบตเตอรี่

Ottawa Sand

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A sand used as a standard in testing hydraulic cements by means of mortar test specimens. Sand is produced by processing silica rock particles obtained by hydraulic mining of the orthoquartzite situated in open-pit deposits near Ottawa, Illinois; naturally rounded grains of nearly pure quartz.

Blast Furnace Gas

แปลว่า(english) By-product gas created by the iron making process which is used as fuel for the boilers.



Acetyl Tributyl Citrate

แปลว่า(english) One of the lubricating oils generally applied on tin Mill Products (tin plate, TFS-chrome/chrome oxide coated steel, and blackplate).

Backer (back-up plate)

แปลว่า(english) A “tool” or reinforcing part, which presses against the outer surface of an extrusion die, supporting it against the pressure of the extruding metal. The backer has an opening larger than the die aperture, allowing the extruded product to emerge without marring its soft surface.

Cement, Portland (ASTM C150) (Concrete Engineering)

แปลว่าA powdery substance made by burning, at a high temperature, a mixture of clay and limestone producing lumps called “clinkers” which are ground into a fine powder consisting of hydraulic calcium silicates. For non-portland cements, see aluminous cement.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Organisms which require molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor for energy production. See anaerobes.

Bearing Strength

แปลว่า(english) The maximum bearing load at failure divided by the effective bearing area. In a pinned or riveted joint, the iffective area is calculated as the product of the diameter of the hole and the thickness of the bearing member.

Portland-Pozzolan Cement (ASTM C 595)

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The product obtained by intimately intergrinding a mixture of portland-cement clinker and pozzolan, or an intimate and uniform blend of portland cement and fine pozzolan.