Data objects
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an input or output that is user visible
last stages of a current or tide
bring someone down a peg or two
แปลว่าทำให้ต้อยต่ำกว่าเดิม, ทำให้ต่ำต้อยลง
Can't Do Anything With Someone Or Something
administer (the official, public or civil affairs)
Air Content
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The amount of entrained or entrapped air in concrete or mortar, exclusive of pore space in aggregate particles, usually expressed as a percentage of total volume of concrete or mortar.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Property of freshly mixed concrete, cement paste or mortar which determines its ease of molding or resistance to deformation.
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) In chemistry, an ion or molecule in solution.
Bench Lathe
แปลว่า(english) A small lathe mounted on a bench or table.
Software metrics
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) quantitative measures of the process or the product
Cellular Concrete
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A lightweight product consisting of portland cement, cement-pozzolan, cement sand, lime-pozzolan, or lime-sand pastes, or pastes containing blends of these ingredients and having a homogenous void or cell structure, attained with gas forming chemicals or foaming agents. For cellular concretes, containing binder ingredients other than or in addition to portland cement, autoclave curing is usually employed.