ค้นเจอ 36 รายการ

copper alloy



alloy steel

แปลว่าเหล็กกล้าผสมคาร์บอนและธาตุอื่น ๆ


fuse alloy

แปลว่าโลหะจำพวกดีบุกกับตะกั่วผสมกันทำเป็นฟิวส์, กล่องฟิวส์


แปลว่า(english) 1) Process of cutting metal by a stream of fuel and oxygen, 2) to permanently damage a metal or alloy by heating to cause either incipient melting or intergranular oxidation.


แปลว่า(english) (1) Permanently damaging a metal or alloy by heating to cause either incipient melting or intergranular oxidation. (2) In grinding getting the work hot enough to cause discoloration or to change the microstructure by tempering or hardening.

Box Annealing 2

แปลว่า(english) A process of annealing a ferrous alloy in a closed metal container, with or without packing materials, in order to minimize the effects of oxidation. The charge is normally heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but occasionally above or within it, and then is slowly cooled.



Box Annealing

แปลว่า(english) Annealing a metal or alloy in a sealed container under conditions that minimize oxidation. In box annealing a ferrous alloy, the charge is usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above or within it, and is then cooled slowly; this process is also called close annealing or pot annealing.

Black Annealing

แปลว่า(english) A process of box annealing or pot annealing ferrous alloy sheet, strip or wire after hot working and pickling.


แปลว่า(english) An antifriction metal alloy used for bearing inserts;made of tin,antimony,lead and copper.

Bronze 2

แปลว่า(english) Primarily an alloy of copper and tin, but additionally, the name is used when referring to other alloys not containing tin, for example, aluminum bronze, manganese bronze, and beryllium bronze.

Brittle Inter-metallic Layer

แปลว่า(english) An iron-zinc alloy layer formed between the steel substrate and the free zinc of galvanized coatings.