kind of firework which can go sailing and soaring in the air when ignited
Bessemer Process
แปลว่า(english) A process for making steel by blowing air through molten pig iron contained in a refractory lined vessel so that the impurities are thus removed by oxidation.
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Organisms which utilize energy from wastes or dead organisms. Decomposers complete the cycle by returning nutrients to the soil or water and carbon dioxide to the air or water.
Secured landfill
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A landfill which has containment measures such as liners and a leachate collection system so that materials placed in the landfill will not migrate into the surrounding soil, air and water.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Compaction usually accomplished by vibration of newly placed concrete to minimum practical volume, to mold it within form shapes and around embedded parts and reinforcement, and to eliminate voids other than entrained air.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A quantity of cement: 94 Ibs. in the United States, 87.5 Ibs. in Canada, for portland or air entraining portland cement, or as indicated on the sack for other kinds of cement.
Blast Cleaning (blasting)
แปลว่า(english) A process for cleaning or finishing metal objects by use of an air jet or centrifugal wheel that propels abrasive particles (grit, sand, or shot) against the surfaces of the workpiece at high velocity.
Blue Annealing
แปลว่า(english) Heating hot rolled ferrous sheet in an open furnace to a temperature within the transformation range and then cooling in air, in order to soften the metal. The formation of a bluish oxide on the surface is incidental.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Another term for condensation. The term is especially applied to base and soil substrates under highway pavements. where the barometric pump causes the inhalation of humid air, which then condenses in those structures, causing an ever increasing moisture content and sometimes instability.
Blow Back
แปลว่า(english) A coating defect consisting of a lower coating film weight on the bottom of the coated sheet caused by high velocity air in the oven. Blow back usually occurs with high solids coatings which have little solvent to evaporate and "set" the film.
Water Vapor Pressure
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The pressure exerted by water vapor. Air that contains higher amounts of water vapor exerts a higher vapor pressure than air which has a lower amount of has a higher water vapor pressure In concrete water vapor pressure is calculated by the difference between the vapor pressure of the concrete and the ambient relative humidity and temperature and in contact with the soil. that is calculated by; based upon relative humidity and temperature. The greater the difference between the water vapor and ambient humidity and temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit. the greater the water vapor pressure exerted.
Blast Furnace
แปลว่า(english) 1) A furnace in which solid fuel (limestone, coke, iron ore) is combined with high-pressure, hot air blast (120,000 psi) to smelt ore in a continuous process (They are never stopped. They can be slowed down or idled). A Blast Furnace in the iron and steel industry is used to produce liquid iron.