go under the hammer
แปลว่าถูกประมูล, ถูกนำไปขาย
แปลว่า( โลหะ ) ดู copper steel
high tensile steel bar
Band Saw Steel (Wood)
แปลว่า(english) A hardened tempered bright polished high carbon cold rolled spring steel strip produced especially for use in the manufacture of band saws for sawing wood, non ferrous metals, and plastics. Usually carries some nickel and with a Rockwell value of approximately C40/45.
cold drawn steel wire
at it hammer and tongs
Aecm, Ae1, and Ae3
แปลว่า(english) Equilibrium transformation temperatures in steel.
แปลว่า(english) Cracks or separation of the steel.
Break Test (for tempered steel)
แปลว่า(english) A method of testing hardened and tempered high carbon spring steel strip wherein the specimen is held and bent across the grain in a vice-like calibrated testing machine. Pressure is applied until the metal fractures at which point a reading is taken and compared with a standard chart of brake limitations for various thickness ranges.
Bridle Rolls
แปลว่า(english) A series of neoprene or steel rolls.
Base Metal Contamination
แปลว่า(english) Dirt or other impurities in the steel strip.
Band Dispenser
แปลว่า(english) Device that holds that roll of steel banding.