ค้นเจอ 127 รายการ

Secured landfill

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A landfill which has containment measures such as liners and a leachate collection system so that materials placed in the landfill will not migrate into the surrounding soil, air and water.


แปลว่า(english) A system of forces composed of two equal forces of opposite direction, offset by a distance. A couple is statically equivalent to a moment whose magnitude equals the magnitude of the force times the offset distance.

Basket Screen

แปลว่า(english) A first stage in-line water filter for water delivered from the New Blowing Room Pump Room to the Blast Furnace. The strainer contains an electric-driven rotary sieve that catches particulates and prevents them from entering the water system.

(ชีว) ประสาทรอบนอก, ระบบประสาทรอบนอก (peripheral nervous system), นั่นคือ เส้นประสาทที่กระจายอยู่ตามผิวหนัง, กล้ามเนื้อ, อวัยวะสัมผัส, อวัยวะภายใน เป็นอาทิ ซึ่งประกอบด้วยเส้นประสาทสมอง 12 คู่และเส้นประสาทไขสันหลัง 31คู่ประสาทบริเวณรอบนอกนี้จะเป็นสะพานเชื่อมระหว่างอวัยวะแต่ละส่วนของร่างกายกับประสาทศูนย์กลาง


Boron (chemical symbol B)

แปลว่า(english) Element N. 5 of the periodic system. Atomic weight 10.82. It is gray in color, ignites at about 1112 (degrees) F. and burns with a brilliant green flame, but its melting point in a non-oxidizing atmosphere is about 4000 (degrees) F. Boron is used in steel in minute quantities for one purpose only- to increase the hardenability as in case hardening and to increase strength and hardness penetration.


แปลว่า(english) Chemical Symbol Zn. Element No. 30 of the periodic system; atomic weight 65.38. Blue-white metal; when pure, malleable and ductile even at ordinary temperatures; melting point 787 (degrees) F.; boiling point 1665 (degrees) F., specific gravity 7.14. Can be electrodeposited; it is extensively used as a coating for steel and sheet zinc finds many outlets, such as dry batteries, etc. Zinc-base alloys are of great importance in die casting. Its most important alloy is brass.

Brown Sharp Gages

แปลว่า(english) A standard series of sizes refered to by numbers, in which the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal is generally produced and which is used in the manufacture of brass, bronze, copper, copper-base alloys and aluminum. These gage numbers have a definite relationship to each other. In this system, the decimal thickness is reduced by 50% every six gage numbers- while temper is expressed by the number of B&S gage numbers as cold reduced in thickness from previous annealing. For each B&S gage number in thickness reduction, where is assigned a hardness value of 1/4 hard.