ค้นเจอ 6 รายการ


แปลว่าคิดเฉลี่ย, คิดถัว, จำนวนเฉลี่ย

stone age

แปลว่ายุคหิน (สมัยที่มนุษย์ใช้หินเป็นเครื่องมือ)

Age Hardening

แปลว่า(english) Hardening by aging, usually after rapid cooling or cold working. The term as applied to soft, or low carbon steels, relates to a wide variety of commercially important, slow, gradual changes that take place in properties of steels after the final treatment. These changes, which bring about a condition of increased hardness, elastic limit, and tensile strength with a consequent loss in ductility, occur during the period in which the steel is at normal temperatures.

discharge, average mean monthly

แปลว่าปริมาณน้ำเฉลี่ยรายเดือนของเดือนใดเดือนหนึ่ง โดยได้มาจากค่าเฉลี่ยของปีที่ต่อเนื่องกันหลาย ๆ ปี

Flocculant settling

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Settling in which particle concentrations are sufficiently high that particle agglomeration occurs. This results in a reduction in the number of particles and an increase in average particle mass. As agglomeration occurs higher settling velocities result.

Normal strain:

แปลว่า(english) Strain measuring the intensity of deformation along an axis. Normal strain is usually denoted by . Average normal strain between two points is calculated as (Delta L / L), where L is the original distance between the points, and L is the change in that distance. Normal strain is often simply called strain.

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