ค้นเจอ 13 รายการ

Statically equivalent:

แปลว่า(english) Two force systems are statically equivalent when their resultants are equal. Physically, this means that the force systems tend to impart the same motion when applied to an object; note that the distribution of resulting internal forces in the object may be different.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The mass of the compound which will produce one mole of available reacting substance. Thus, for an acid, this would be the mass of acid which will produce one mole of H+, for a base, one mole of OH-.

Statically Indeterminacy


Statically indeterminate:

แปลว่า(english) A statically indeterminate structure is one where there is more than one distribution of internal forces and/or reactions which satisfies equilibrium.

Statically determinate:

แปลว่า(english) A statically determinate structure is one where there is only one distribution of internal forces and reactions which satisfies equilibrium. In a statically determinate structure, internal forces and reactions can be determined by considering nothing more than equations of equilibrium.

equivalent circuit

แปลว่าวงจร (ไฟฟ้า) สมดุล

Equivalent Joint Load


Stress resultant:

แปลว่า(english) A system of forces which is statically equivalent to a stress distribution over an area.


แปลว่า(english) The resultant of a system of forces is a single force or moment whose magnitude, direction, and location make it statically equivalent to the system of forces.


แปลว่า(english) A system of forces composed of two equal forces of opposite direction, offset by a distance. A couple is statically equivalent to a moment whose magnitude equals the magnitude of the force times the offset distance.


แปลว่า(english) Having the equivalent lattice points at the corners of the unit cell, and at its center; sometimes called centered, or space-centered.

Barrel (of cement)

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A unit of weight for cement: 376 Ibs net, equivalent to 4 US bags of portland cement. The designation presently used is tons of cement.

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