ค้นเจอ 38 รายการ


แปลว่า(english) A very general term that may be applied to a material or a structure. In a material, strength refers to a level of stress at which there is a significant change in the state of the material, e.g., yielding or rupture. In a structure, strength refers to a level of level of loading which produces a significant change in the state of the structure, e.g., inelastic deformations, buckling, or collapse.

Baked Strength

แปลว่า(english) Compressive, shear, tensile or transverse strength of a mold sand mixture when baked at a temperature above 231 B0F (111 B0C) and then cooled to room temperature.

Boron (chemical symbol B)

แปลว่า(english) Element N. 5 of the periodic system. Atomic weight 10.82. It is gray in color, ignites at about 1112 (degrees) F. and burns with a brilliant green flame, but its melting point in a non-oxidizing atmosphere is about 4000 (degrees) F. Boron is used in steel in minute quantities for one purpose only- to increase the hardenability as in case hardening and to increase strength and hardness penetration.

shear strength


yield strength


Yield stress:

แปลว่า(english) A material loaded beyond its yield stress, no longer exhibits linear elastic behavior. Metals, particularly mild steel, generally have a very well defined yield stress compared to other materials. Yield stress is sometimes called yield strength.

field strength


Bake Hardenable Steel

แปลว่า(english) A cold-rolled, low-carbon sheet steel used for automotive body panel applications. Because of the steel’s special processing, it has good stamping and strength characteristics and after paint is baked on, improved dent resistance.

Bending Strength

แปลว่า(english) Upper limit of normal stress of a beam at which fracture or excessive plastic deformation occurs.

crushing strength


HRM High Reactivity Metakaolin

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Refined form of an ASTM C618, Class N (natural) pozzolan. A high performance, mineral admixture, similar in performance to silica fume, additionally comparable in cost. Pure white powdered in form will, not effect the natural color or darken concrete as silica fume does. Suitable for high-performance color matching in architectural concrete. Dosage at 5% to 10%, of cement by weight. No bleed water, better finishability, more creamy, cleanup is easier with slightly higher 28 day strengths and 25% - 35% less plasticizer is required than silica fume.

cylinder strength


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