ค้นเจอ 782 รายการ

Boron (chemical symbol B)

แปลว่า(english) Element N. 5 of the periodic system. Atomic weight 10.82. It is gray in color, ignites at about 1112 (degrees) F. and burns with a brilliant green flame, but its melting point in a non-oxidizing atmosphere is about 4000 (degrees) F. Boron is used in steel in minute quantities for one purpose only- to increase the hardenability as in case hardening and to increase strength and hardness penetration.

Cement Content

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A quantity of cement contained in a unit volume of concrete or mortar, ordinarily expressed as pounds, barrels, or bags per cubic yard.

portland blast furnace cement

แปลว่า( ก่อสร้าง ) ปูนซีเมนต์ที่มีส่วนผสมขี้เหล็ก จากเตาหลอมโลหะ ซึ่งเป็นซีเมนต์ด่างกับ Portland cement = ปูนซีเมนต์ชนิดดี

Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The amount of oxygen required to oxidize any organic matter in the water using harsh chemical conditions.

Photochemical pollutants

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Chemicals which react photochemically (in the presence of sunlight) to destroy ozone in the stratosphere.

Break Test (for tempered steel)

แปลว่า(english) A method of testing hardened and tempered high carbon spring steel strip wherein the specimen is held and bent across the grain in a vice-like calibrated testing machine. Pressure is applied until the metal fractures at which point a reading is taken and compared with a standard chart of brake limitations for various thickness ranges.


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an extension of functional or performance requirements

Black Oil Tempered Spring Steel Strip (Scaleless Blue)

แปลว่า(english) A flat cold rolled usually .70/.80 medium high carbon steel strip, blue-black in color, which has been quenched in oil and drawn to desired hardness. While it looks and acts much like blue tempered spring steel and carries a Rockwell hardness of C44/47, it has not been polished and is lower in carbon content. Used for less exacting requirements than clock spring steel, such as snaps, lock springs, hold down springs, trap springs, etc. It will take a more severe bend before fracture than will clock spring, but it does not have the same degree of spring-back.

Biogeochemical cycle

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The cycle of elements through the biotic and abiotic environment.

Bessemer Process

แปลว่า(english) A process for making steel by blowing air through molten pig iron contained in a refractory lined vessel so that the impurities are thus removed by oxidation.

Portland Blast- slag Cement Furnace (ASTM C 595)

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The product obtained by intimately intergrinding or an intimate and uniform blending a mixture of granulated blast furnace slag and portland-cement clinker


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) An organism or group of organisms and their surroundings. The boundary of an ecosystem may be arbitrarily chosen to suit the area of interest or study.

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