นี่คือเนื้อหาที่รวบรวม สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ ยอดนิยม คัดสรรมาให้แล้ว ไปดูรายละเอียดกันเลย!

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด a

  1. A Babe In The Woods
    ตัวอย่าง What do you know? You are just a babe in the woods
  2. A Bed Of Roses
    ตัวอย่าง Working here is no bed of roses.
  3. A Big Fish In A Small Pond
    ตัวอย่าง He's just a big fish in a small pond.
  4. A Big Frog In A Small Pond
    ตัวอย่าง He's just a big frog in a small pond
  5. A Bird's Eye View
    ตัวอย่าง This photo, taken from an airplane, gives you a bird's eye view.
  6. A Bitter Pill To Swallow
    ตัวอย่าง Spending a week in the psychiatric hospital was a bitter pill to swallow, but Jake really needed to do it.
  7. A Blessing In Disguise
    ตัวอย่าง When I first lost that job, I was upset. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
  8. A Breath Of Fresh Air
    ตัวอย่าง I love having this new student in my class. His positive attitude is a breath of fresh air.
  9. A Bundle Of Nerves
    ตัวอย่าง I have to give a speech tomorrow, and I am a bundle of nerves.
  10. A Case In Point
    ตัวอย่าง Jane called. She will be late for this morning's meeting. Reply: Case in point. We really cannot rely on her.
  11. A Case Of Mistaken Identity
    ตัวอย่าง Are you sure you are not Don Johnson? Reply: Really, I am not. It must be a case of mistaken identity.
  12. A Change Of Pace
    ตัวอย่าง What would you like me to make for dinner? Reply: Let's have sushi, for a change of pace.
  13. A Change Of Scenery
    ตัวอย่าง I just got back from Florida. Reply: That must have been a change of scenery.
  14. A Chip Off The Old Block
    ตัวอย่าง Did you meet Bill's son at the picnic yesterday? He's just like Bill! Reply: He's a chip off the old block.
  15. A Chip On Your Shoulder
    ตัวอย่าง He lost his game this morning, and now he has a chip on his shoulder.
  16. A Copycat
    ตัวอย่าง Stop copying my answers. You copycat! (rude)
  17. A Cut Above
    ตัวอย่าง I love this restaurant. It is a cut above.
  18. A Diamond In The Rough
    ตัวอย่าง Have you spoken with Jean before? Isn't she a diamond in the rough.
  19. A Dream Come True
    ตัวอย่าง Becoming a movie star was a dream come true.
  20. A Foregone Conclusion
    ตัวอย่าง I knew they would lose. It was a foregone conclusion.
  21. A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
    ตัวอย่าง Hey buddy, how's it going? You look good. I love your jacket. Do you think you can give me a ride home? Reply: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  22. A Game That Two Can Play
    ตัวอย่าง She told the teacher what I did, but that's a game that two can play.
  23. A Hearbeat Away
    ตัวอย่าง If the president dies, who becomes the new president? Reply: The vice president. He's a heartbeat away from the presidency.
  24. A Heartbeat Away
    ตัวอย่าง If the president dies, who becomes the new president? Reply: The vice president. He's a heartbeat away from the presidency.
  25. A Lost Cause
    ตัวอย่าง My uncle Bob fails at everything he does. He is a lost cause.
  26. A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned
    ตัวอย่าง You need to stop wasting money. A penny saved is a penny earned.
  27. A Pillar Of Strength
    ตัวอย่าง My mother is a pillar of strength.
  28. A Standing Offer
    ตัวอย่าง You have a standing offer to join us for dinner whenever you like.
  29. A Taste Of Your Own Medicine
    ตัวอย่าง Did you see those two people cutting in front of us in line just now? Let's cut in front of them and give them a taste of their own medicine!
  30. Above Average
    ตัวอย่าง Are you a very good tennis player? Reply: I'm above average.
  31. Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
    ตัวอย่าง Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips? Reply: No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  32. Acknowledge Receipt Of It
    ตัวอย่าง As soon as you get the package, please call me to acknowledge receipt.
  33. Act High And Mighty
    ตัวอย่าง What are you acting so high and mighty about.
  34. Advise Against Something
    ตัวอย่าง Do you recommend that I talk with the boss? Reply: I would advise against it.
  35. All Bark (And No Bite)
    ตัวอย่าง That new manager threatened to fire me again, but I know he won't do it. He's all bark and no bite.
  36. All In One Piece
    ตัวอย่าง Be careful. I want you home all in one piece.
  37. All In The Same Boat
    ตัวอย่าง We can't fight against each other. We need to work together. We're all in the same boat!
  38. All Out War
    ตัวอย่าง It used to be they occasionally fired a missile. Now it's all out war.
  39. An About Face
    ตัวอย่าง If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an about face and walk in the other direction.
  40. An Arm And A Leg
    ตัวอย่าง How much did you pay for that watch? Answer: An arm and a leg.
  41. An Axe To Grind
    ตัวอย่าง Tell your brother that I have an axe to grind with him!
  42. Around The Block
    ตัวอย่าง Don't think you can fool me so easily: I have been around the block.

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด b - d

  1. Back And Forth
    ตัวอย่าง What fun could it be playing tennis? They just hit the ball back and forth all day.
  2. Back To Back
    ตัวอย่าง We have had back to back losses and we need to play better.
  3. Back To Square One
    ตัวอย่าง After all that work, they decided not to hire me. Reply: Back to square one.
  4. Bad Blood Between People
    ตัวอย่าง My brother and I haven't spoken since childhood. There is a lot of bad blood between us.
  5. Bank On Something
    ตัวอย่าง I will be there. You can bank on it.
  6. Barking Up The Wrong Tree
    ตัวอย่าง If you are looking for someone to lend you money, don't talk to me. You're barking up the wrong tree.
  7. Batten Down The Hatches
    ตัวอย่าง A big rain storm is coming. We need to batten down the hatches.
  8. Be The Spitting Image Of Someone
    ตัวอย่าง People say I am the spitting image of my mother.
  9. Beating A Dead Horse
    ตัวอย่าง I'd like to talk with you again about what happened. Reply: Oh, come on. Let's not beat a dead horse.
  10. Beating A Path To Your Door
    ตัวอย่าง I don't see anyone beating a path to your door.
  11. Before You Know It
    ตัวอย่าง Enjoy your freedom! Before you know it, you'll be married and settling down with children.
  12. Bend Over Backwards
    ตัวอย่าง We bent over backwards to help him, and he never even thanked us!
  13. Better Late Than Never
    ตัวอย่าง Here is my final paper. Sorry it is so late. Reply: Better late than never.
  14. Bite Your Head Off
    ตัวอย่าง I'm sorry you had a bad day, but you don't have to bite my head off.
  15. Bite Your Tongue
    ตัวอย่าง I wanted to tell her what I really thought of her dress, but I just bit my tongue.
  16. Breaking New Ground
    ตัวอย่าง No one in our family has ever married a foreigner. You are breaking new ground.
  17. Breaking The Bank
    ตัวอย่าง You really should not be buying this ring. You are breaking the bank.
  18. Breaking The News
    ตัวอย่าง It is the goal of every great reporter to break the news.
  19. Brushing Up On
    ตัวอย่าง Are you going to brush up on your Spanish before you go to Mexico?
  20. Bump Into
    ตัวอย่าง I saw you with Jane at the supermarket. Reply: Yes, we just bumped into each other.
  21. Call It A Day
    ตัวอย่าง It's time to go home. Let's call it a day.
  22. Call It A Night
    ตัวอย่าง You guys are going to another bar? Not me. I'm calling it a night.
  23. Call It Off
    ตัวอย่าง How did your party go? Reply: Oh. We had to call it off.
  24. Call The Meeting To Order
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone quiet down so we can call this meeting to order.
  25. Call The Roll
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone be quiet. I'm going to call the roll.
  26. Calling Your Bluff
    ตัวอย่าง They say they will fire me if I skip work today, but I am calling their bluff.
  27. Can I Get A Rain Check?
    ตัวอย่าง He was going to take me to the park, but it rained, so I got a rain check.
  28. Can't Cut The Mustard
    ตัวอย่าง Did you hear that Williams got fired? Reply: Yes. He couldn't cut the mustard.
  29. Can't Help But Do Something
    ตัวอย่าง When she said that, I couldn't help but laugh.
  30. Carry Weight
    ตัวอย่าง What I say carries weight around here.
  31. Crying Over Spilled Milk
    ตัวอย่าง We came so close. Really. We almost won that game! Reply: There's no use crying over spilled milk.
  32. Crying Wolf
    ตัวอย่าง Mom, Dad! Can you come to my room? I think there is something under my bed! Reply: Son, you just go back to bed, and stop crying wolf.
  33. Dart In And Out
    ตัวอย่าง Is Jean around the office? Reply: Yes, she has been darting in and out all day.
  34. Doing Your Homework
    ตัวอย่าง John is an excellent lawyer. He always does his homework.
  35. Don't Burn Your Bridges
    ตัวอย่าง On his last day on the job he got in a huge fight with his boss. Answer: Why would he want to go burning his bridges like that? Someday he might want to work there again.
  36. Don't Count Your Chickens (Until They've Hatched)
    ตัวอย่าง Do you think that Bill is going to offer you a promotion this month? Reply: I won't count my chickens until they have hatched.
  37. Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
    ตัวอย่าง My father is a very careful investor; he never puts all of his eggs in one basket.
  38. Don't Put The Cart Before The Horse
    ตัวอย่าง Hey! First we attach it, then we put on the chains. Don't put the cart before the horse.
  39. Down To The Wire
    ตัวอย่าง What a close race. Reply: It's down to the wire.
  40. Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures
    ตัวอย่าง Sales have been slow and we had to let go three of our employees; drastic times call for drastic measures.
  41. Draw A Blank
    ตัวอย่าง Do you remember how to say that word in Spanish? Reply: I'm drawing a blank.
  42. Dry Spell
    ตัวอย่าง We've been having quite a dry spell lately; it hasn't rained in over two weeks.

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด e - h

  1. Early To Bed, Early To Rise, Makes A Man Healthy, Wealthy, And Wise
    ตัวอย่าง All of his life, my grandfather went to bed early and got up with the sun. Reply: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.
  2. Earn One's Keep
    ตัวอย่าง You did a lot of work today. Reply: I'm just earning my keep.
  3. Eating Away At You
    ตัวอย่าง What she said this morning has really been eating away at me.
  4. Fair And Fair Alike
    ตัวอย่าง Peter is getting two candies but I am only getting one! Answer: You had two candies earlier today, so now you are even; fair and fair alike.
  5. Fair And Square
    ตัวอย่าง You cheated! Reply: I did not! I beat you fair and square.
  6. Fair Game
    ตัวอย่าง Ryan is getting out of the car here, so the front seat is fair game.
  7. Falling Flat On Your Face
    ตัวอย่าง How did your first day of class go? Reply: I fell flat on my face.
  8. Familiarity Breeds Contempt
    ตัวอย่าง Those two have been living together for too long. They don't speak a word to each other. Reply: Familiarity breeds contempt.
  9. Fish For Something
    ตัวอย่าง You keep asking where I was last night. What are you fishing for?
  10. Flash In The Pan
    ตัวอย่าง That was a great paper you wrote. Was it just a flash in the pan? or are you going to be able to do it again and again?
  11. For Crying Out Loud
    ตัวอย่าง She is a swimsuit model, for crying out loud. Of course they are going to stare at her.
  12. For Life
    ตัวอย่าง Did you know that wolves mate for life?
  13. For No Good Reason
    ตัวอย่าง And for no good reason, she walked out the door.
  14. Fresh Out Of Something
    ตัวอย่าง Sorry, but we are fresh out of tomatoes.
  15. Get A Life
    ตัวอย่าง Are you still here? Why don't you get a life?
  16. Get Over It
    ตัวอย่าง I was very sick yesterday, but I have gotten over it.
  17. Give Him The Slip
    ตัวอย่าง Quick- there is a police car behind us; let's give him the slip!
  18. Go Back To The Drawing Board
    ตัวอย่าง It looks like my plan to kill the weeds in the garden has failed. Back to the drawing board.
  19. Go Sky High
    ตัวอย่าง Have you seen the price of milk lately? It has gone sky high.
  20. Going Against The Grain
    ตัวอย่าง Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?
  21. Hands Down
    ตัวอย่าง That was hands down the best movie I have seen all year.
  22. Have A Close Call
    ตัวอย่าง Did you see? She almost got hit by that bus. Reply: That was a close call.
  23. Have A Go At Something
    ตัวอย่าง Would you like to play goalie today? Reply: Sure, I'll have a go at it.
  24. Have A Green Thumb
    ตัวอย่าง My grandmother has a green thumb. You should see her garden.
  25. Have Something Down Pat
    ตัวอย่าง Did you memorize the speech? Reply: I''ve got it down pat.

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด i - o

  1. I Don't Belong Here
    ตัวอย่าง This is a high school dance and I am 25 years old. I don't belong here.
  2. I Guess
    ตัวอย่าง Why is that dog eating that stick? Reply: He's hungry, I guess.
  3. I'd Give My Right Arm For That
    ตัวอย่าง I would give my right arm for a car like that.
  4. I'm Off
    ตัวอย่าง Have a good day, you guys. I'm off. Reply: Goodbye.
  5. Icing On The Cake
    ตัวอย่าง Today I was promoted to head of the department! And they decided to raise my pay! Answer: Wow! Icing on the cake!
  6. Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools
    ตัวอย่าง My mother taught me that children should always be kept busy; idle hands are the devil's tools!
  7. If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
    ตัวอย่าง You think Tiger Woods should change his golf swing? Are you kidding? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  8. If It's Not One Thing, It's Another
    ตัวอย่าง First the car broke down, and now I can't find my keys! If it's not one thing, it's another!
  9. If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
    ตัวอย่าง When did you change teams? Reply: Hey: If you can't beat them, join them.
  10. If You Can't Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Kitchen
    ตัวอย่าง I wanted this job at first, but now I don't know if I can handle it. Reply: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  11. In A Pinch
    ตัวอย่าง Take this 20 dollars. Use it in a pinch.
  12. In Disguise
    ตัวอย่าง Did that octopus just change color? Reply: Yes. He's in disguise.
  13. In The Dark
    ตัวอย่าง Did you understand question number three? Answer: Not at all, I was totally in the dark.
  14. In The Heat Of The Moment
    ตัวอย่าง You never really know for sure what you will do in the heat of the moment.
  15. Its Anyone's Call
    ตัวอย่าง Who do you think will win this election? Answer: Its anyone's call.
  16. Join Forces With Me
    ตัวอย่าง If we join forces, nothing can stop us.
  17. Jump Through Hoops
    ตัวอย่าง Why haven't you opened your restaurant yet? Reply: They have us jumping through hoops to get the license.
  18. Just Because
    ตัวอย่าง Why are you doing that? Reply: Just because.
  19. Keep A Stiff Upper Lip
    ตัวอย่าง No matter what happens, I want you to keep a stiff upper lip.
  20. Lend Me Your Ear
    ตัวอย่าง Could you lend me your ear for a minute? I need to talk with you about something.
  21. Lost His Head
    ตัวอย่าง I got so angry yesterday. I completely lost my head.
  22. Making A Mistake
    ตัวอย่าง I'm not good at cooking because I am too afraid of making a mistake.
  23. Method To My Madness
    ตัวอย่าง Give me a moment to explain; there is method to my madness.
  24. Misery Loves Company
    ตัวอย่าง She's not happy, so she wants the rest of us to suffer too! Reply: Misery loves company.
  25. Neither A Borrower, Nor A Lender Be
    ตัวอย่าง {from Hamlet by William Shakespeare; Polonius speaking: Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend} @Could you lend me twenty dollars? Answer: Sorry, neither a borrower nor a lender be.
  26. Never Been So Lucky
    ตัวอย่าง I got off the bus in West Seattle, turned around, and you were there. I've never been so lucky.
  27. No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts About It
    ตัวอย่าง You are going to bed right now. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
  28. No Pain, No Gain
    ตัวอย่าง To play at that level, you are going to have to practice all of the time, you know. Reply: No pain, no gain.
  29. Not A Chance
    ตัวอย่าง Do you think you will be able to finish your report by five o'clock today? Answer: Not a chance. I'll be busy in meetings all day.
  30. Off Again, On Again
    ตัวอย่าง With this rain today, our baseball game has been off again, on again.
  31. Off And On
    ตัวอย่าง Do you play tennis much? Reply: Off and on. It depends on the weather.
  32. Off One's Rocker
    ตัวอย่าง I've decided I'm going to fight him. Reply: Are you off your rocker? He'll kill you!
  33. Off The Record
    ตัวอย่าง Off the record, I think he's guilty.
  34. Old As The Hills
    ตัวอย่าง I love your grandfather's house. It's as old as the hills.
  35. On The Same Page
    ตัวอย่าง Before we make any decisions today, I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
  36. Over My Head
    ตัวอย่าง Did you get that last question on the test? Reply: No, it was over my head.

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด p - s

  1. Pack A Punch
    ตัวอย่าง Don't fight with him. He can really pack a punch.
  2. Pass Away
    ตัวอย่าง I was so sorry to to learn that your grandfather passed away.
  3. Paying The Price
    ตัวอย่าง If you drink and drive, you will pay the price.
  4. People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones
    ตัวอย่าง Look at that shirt you are wearing! Did you buy that back in the '80s?! Answer: Hey, you're not so young yourself; people who live in glass houses should not throw stones!
  5. Practice Makes Perfect
    ตัวอย่าง See how fast you are getting better at the piano? Practice makes perfect.
  6. Practice What You Preach
    ตัวอย่าง You keep telling me how to hit the ball. Why don't you practice what you preach?
  7. Preaching To The Choir
    ตัวอย่าง I agree with you entirely; you are preaching to the choir.
  8. Protest Too Much
    ตัวอย่าง You do like that girl, don't you? Answer: No! I don't! Not at all! Why do you think so? Reply: You protest too much. #Protest too much comes from Hamlet by William Shakespeare; the Queen speaking: The lady doth protest too much, methinks. (Note: people do not usually use the word methinks when they are speaking English today.) To protest too much is to insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what you are saying.
  9. Roll Out The Red Carpet
    ตัวอย่าง Our most important client will be in town tomorrow, so let's all roll out the red carpet and take him out to dinner.
  10. Rome Was Not Built In One Day
    ตัวอย่าง Are you still working on that same painting? Answer: Hey! Rome was not built in one day!
  11. Second Nature
    ตัวอย่าง She started playing the piano when she was very young; now it is like second nature to her.
  12. Set Someone Or Something On Fire
    ตัวอย่าง What set him on fire? Reply: I don't know. He's been this way all morning.
  13. Set Someone Or Something Straight
    ตัวอย่าง You seem to think that everyone is against you. I want to set you straight...
  14. Sit On The Fence
    ตัวอย่าง So which movie would you like to see? Reply: I'm still sitting on the fence.
  15. Sit Something Out
    ตัวอย่าง Let's play another game. Reply: I'm going to sit this one out.
  16. Sit Up And Take Notice
    ตัวอย่าง After I read my paper for the class. That is when everyone sat up and took notice.
  17. Sleep In
    ตัวอย่าง I won't be at the early meeting tomorrow. I'm sleeping in.

สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษหมวด t - y

  1. Take A Bath
    ตัวอย่าง Did you see how much our stock price dropped? Reply: Yes, I really took a bath.
  2. Take It On The Chin
    ตัวอย่าง John totally attacked her during that presentation, but she just took it on the chin.
  3. Take Off One's Hat To Someone
    ตัวอย่าง Nice job on the presentation, Bill. Second person: Yes, Bill. I really take my hat off to you.
  4. Take One's Time
    ตัวอย่าง You are going to be late. Why are you taking your time?
  5. Take Someone Under One's Wings
    ตัวอย่าง This new gal at the office is doing so well, now that Terry has taken her under her wings.
  6. Take The Bull By The Horns
    ตัวอย่าง That was a tough situation. Thanks for taking the bull by the horns.
  7. The Ball Is In Your Court
    ตัวอย่าง The seller has offered us the house for $250,000; the ball is in our court. What should we do?
  8. The Be All And The End All
    ตัวอย่าง You will have more and better jobs in your career. This company is not the be all and end all.
  9. The Best Of Both Worlds
    ตัวอย่าง You can either get up early tomorrow and get a lot of work done, or you can stay out late tonight and have fun with your friends, but you can't have the best of both worlds.
  10. The Bottom Line
    ตัวอย่าง We have no money left. That is the bottom line.
  11. The Devil Is In The Details
    ตัวอย่าง I thought I would be able to write that article in two hours, but it ended up taking me five. The devil was in the details.
  12. The First Step Is Always The Hardest
    ตัวอย่าง I have always wanted to write a novel, but I can never decide on a topic. Reply: The first step is always the hardest.
  13. The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Of The Fence
    ตัวอย่าง I wish our house were as big as theirs. Reply: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
  14. The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions
    ตัวอย่าง Really, I never meant to hurt anybody... Reply: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  15. The Sky Is The Limit
    ตัวอย่าง For people who work hard at this company, the sky's the limit.
  16. The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil
    ตัวอย่าง Every time that baby cries, they just run around and give him whatever he wants. Reply: The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
  17. The Squeeky Wheel Gets The Oil
    ตัวอย่าง Every time that baby cries, they just run around and give him whatever he wants. Reply: The squeeky wheel gets the oil.
  18. The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back
    ตัวอย่าง You broke a lot of rules and we tried to ignore it. But stealing money from us was the straw that broke the camel's back. We're sending you home to your parents.
  19. The Writing On The Wall
    ตัวอย่าง At that point, the writing was on the wall; we all knew the company was going out of business.
  20. Third Wheel
    ตัวอย่าง You two go on ahead without me. I don't want to be the third wheel.
  21. To be in good hands
  22. To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine
    ตัวอย่าง I am still angry about what my manager did yesterday! Answer: It is best to just let it go; to err is human, to forgive divine.
  23. Under The Gun
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone at the office has been under the gun since this new manager arrived.
  24. Wasting Your Breath
    ตัวอย่าง You can tell him not to do it, but you are just wasting your breath. He will do it anyway.
  25. Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve
    ตัวอย่าง She is kind of player who never hides how she's feeling. One look at her and you know if she's winning or losing. Reply: She wears her heart on her sleeve.
  26. Weather Permitting
    ตัวอย่าง We are planning to go to the beach this weekend, weather permitting.
  27. Welcome You With Open Arms
    ตัวอย่าง You should definitely go visit my parents. They will welcome you with open arms
  28. What goes around comes around
    ตัวอย่าง What goes around, goes around, goes around Comes all the way back around
  29. What's Done Is Done
    ตัวอย่าง The turkey is ruined. What's done is done. Let's just go out to dinner and forget about it.
  30. What's Keeping You?
    ตัวอย่าง Hey you are 20 minutes late. What's keeping you?
  31. Wheel And Deal
    ตัวอย่าง My brother likes to wheel and deal. That's just how he is. He sold his first company when he was 23.
  32. Wine And Dine
    ตัวอย่าง How was your business trip? Answer: Great- they wined and dined us all week.
  33. With Your Back Up Against The Wall
    ตัวอย่าง I'm sorry I can't help you; I've got my back up against the wall.
  34. You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But You Can't Make It Drink
    ตัวอย่าง I told her exactly what to do, but she didn't listen to me. Reply: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
  35. You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover
    ตัวอย่าง He dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town? Reply: You can't judge a book by its cover.
  36. You Can't Please Everyone
    ตัวอย่าง Jen is quite upset that she did not get the job. Reply: Well, you can't please everyone.
  37. You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
    ตัวอย่าง I have been trying to teach my dad to use the computer, but he is never going to get it. Reply: You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  38. You Scratch My Back And I'll Scratch Yours
    ตัวอย่าง I would really appreciate it if you introduce me to him... You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

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