Idioms หมวด C

Idioms หมวด C ตามที่เคยรู้จัก สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ มีอยู่หลายคำ จะมีคำไหนที่เรารู้จักไหมนะ

รวมIdioms หมวด C

Idioms หมวด C ตามที่เคยรู้จัก สำนวนภาษาอังกฤษ มีอยู่หลายคำ จะมีคำไหนที่เรารู้จักไหมนะ

  1. Call A Meeting
    ตัวอย่าง If I call a meeting for Thursday, will you be there?
  2. Call A Spade A Spade
    ตัวอย่าง You can call him a nice guy if you want to but I am calling a spade a spade; that guy is a jerk.
  3. Call It A Day
    ตัวอย่าง It's time to go home. Let's call it a day.
  4. Call It A Night
    ตัวอย่าง You guys are going to another bar? Not me. I'm calling it a night.
  5. Call It Off
    ตัวอย่าง How did your party go? Reply: Oh. We had to call it off.
  6. Call The Dogs Off
    ตัวอย่าง I already gave you your money. Call the dogs off.
  7. Call The Meeting To Order
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone quiet down so we can call this meeting to order.
  8. Call The Roll
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone be quiet. I'm going to call the roll.
  9. Call The Shots
    ตัวอย่าง I'm calling the shots here. You will do what I say.
  10. Calling It Off
    ตัวอย่าง I thought you had a date tonight? Reply: I did, but we called it off.
  11. Calling People Names
    ตัวอย่าง You are a jerk! Reply: You don't have to call me names.
  12. Calling Your Bluff
    ตัวอย่าง They say they will fire me if I skip work today, but I am calling their bluff.
  13. Can I Get A Rain Check?
    ตัวอย่าง He was going to take me to the park, but it rained, so I got a rain check.
  14. Can You Imagine?
    ตัวอย่าง This car only cost me $500. Can you imagine?
  15. Cannot Help Doing Something
    ตัวอย่าง When she said that, I couldn't help laughing.
  16. Can't Carry A Tune
    ตัวอย่าง Sing with us! Reply: Sorry. You wouldn't want me to. I can't carry a tune.
  17. Can't Cut The Mustard
    ตัวอย่าง Did you hear that Williams got fired? Reply: Yes. He couldn't cut the mustard.
  18. Can't Do Anything With Someone Or Something
    ตัวอย่าง Your teacher is frustrated. She says she can't do anything with you.
  19. Can't Help But Do Something
    ตัวอย่าง When she said that, I couldn't help but laugh.
  20. Can't Hold A Candle To Someone
    ตัวอย่าง You are a good tennis player. But you can't hold a candle to my sister.
  21. Can't Make Heads Or Tails Out Of Someone Or Something
    ตัวอย่าง I'm looking at your computer program right now, but I can't make heads or tails out of it.
  22. Cap And Gown
    ตัวอย่าง I love this photo of you and your friends in cap and gown.
  23. Capable Of Doing Something
    ตัวอย่าง Did you hear about the farmhouse murders? Reply: Who could be capable of such a thing?
  24. Carried Away
    ตัวอย่าง You cleaned everything. Even the dog. Reply: Yes. I got kind of carried away.
  25. Carry A Secret To One's Grave
    ตัวอย่าง Please, you must not tell anyone what happened. Reply: I will carry your secret to my grave.
  26. Carry A Secret To The Grave
    ตัวอย่าง Please, you must not tell anyone what happened. Reply: I will carry it to the grave.
  27. Carry On Without Someone Or Something
    ตัวอย่าง If anything ever happens to me, I want you to carry on without me.
  28. Carry Weight
    ตัวอย่าง What I say carries weight around here.
  29. Carrying It A Bit Too Far
    ตัวอย่าง It is okay to make jokes during class, but you are carrying it a bit too far.
  30. Cash And Carry
    ตัวอย่าง Sorry but there is nowhere to eat here. It is cash and carry.
  31. Caught In The Act
    ตัวอย่าง You kids were going to take those cookies, weren't you? Reply: Yes, we were caught in the act.
  32. Cause A Stir
    ตัวอย่าง Do you need to talk so loudly? You're causing a stir.
  33. Cease And Desist
    ตัวอย่าง Police officer says: Sir, I want you to cease and desist from what you are doing.
  34. Change Someone's Mind
    ตัวอย่าง I thought you didn't like her? Reply: Well, I changed my mind.
  35. Changing Your Tune
    ตัวอย่าง She always said she would never get married, but now she's the one getting married. Reply: She has changed her tune.
  36. Clear The Table
    ตัวอย่าง Everyone is done eating. Would you like to clear the table?
  37. Clearing The Air
    ตัวอย่าง You've been living here for two months and you still don't have a job. We need to clear the air.
  38. Climbing On The Bandwagon
    ตัวอย่าง Look who's climbing on the bandwagon.
  39. Coming Clean
    ตัวอย่าง You ate that piece of cake I was saving, didn't you? Come clean.
  40. Coming In Handy
    ตัวอย่าง I'm glad you brought your knife. Reply: Yes, it really comes in handy.
  41. Coming To Terms With It
    ตัวอย่าง I was upset that I was transfered to the other unit. But I am coming to terms with it.
  42. Coming To The Crunch
    ตัวอย่าง We have had three weeks to write this paper. Now we are coming to the crunch.
  43. Cross Your Fingers
    ตัวอย่าง I don't know what I will get for my birthday, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be a bicycle.
  44. Crying Over Spilled Milk
    ตัวอย่าง We came so close. Really. We almost won that game! Reply: There's no use crying over spilled milk.
  45. Crying Wolf
    ตัวอย่าง Mom, Dad! Can you come to my room? I think there is something under my bed! Reply: Son, you just go back to bed, and stop crying wolf.
  46. Cutting Corners
    ตัวอย่าง They cut a lot of corners when they built this house. Now have so many problems to fix.
  47. Cutting Your Losses
    ตัวอย่าง I bought this stock at 50 dollars a share, and it is down to 40. I am going to cut my losses.
