ค้นเจอ 11 รายการ

 หรือคุณกำลังค้นหา Technical risks, Business risks, Project risks, Risk, Objects, Pair programming, Patterns, design problem, problem

Classes - a basic construct in object

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) oriented methods that categorizes elements of the problem


แปลว่าปัญหา, บทสร้างในเรขาคณิต

Software problem report

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a report of a defect


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a potential problem or occurrence that put a project in jeopardy ความเสี่ยง

Business risks

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the set of potential business problems or occurrences that may cause the project to fail

Project risks

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the set of potential project problems or occurrences that may cause the project to fail

design problem



แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a named element of the problem domain containing data and processing

Technical risks

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the set of potential technical problems or occurrences that may cause the project to fail

Pair programming

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) two people work together (side-by-side) to design and construct a software component, providing real-time problem solving and quality control.


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a stylized description or characterization of a software problem or capability and/or the manner in which a solution to the problem or capability may be characterized, applied, and implemented

 ศัพท์ช่างภาษาอังกฤษ – ไทย จัดกลุ่มตามตัวอักษร A-Z