ค้นเจอ 5 รายการ

 หรือคุณกำลังค้นหา Z-Mill


แปลว่า(english) The full name for z-mill is Sendzimir mill. A Z-mill operates with a very small diameter work roll, normally about 2 inches, backed up by a number of rolls in a pyramid-shaped stack. This roll set up allows you to exert extremely high forces through the work roll and yet keep the work roll from extreme flexing. The take-up roll on the Z-Mill also exerts a tension on the coil as it comes through the mill. The combination of high pressure and tension makes the mill capable of rolling material thin and flat.

Vapor Pressure

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The pressure exerted by a vapor that is calculated based upon relative humidity and temperature. The higher the humidity and higher temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, the greater the vapor pressure exerted.

Jacking Force

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The temporary force exerted by the jacking device which introduces tension into the tendons. Jacking Stress In prestress concrete, the maximum stress occurring in a tendon during stressing.

Water Vapor Pressure

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The pressure exerted by water vapor. Air that contains higher amounts of water vapor exerts a higher vapor pressure than air which has a lower amount of has a higher water vapor pressure In concrete water vapor pressure is calculated by the difference between the vapor pressure of the concrete and the ambient relative humidity and temperature and in contact with the soil. that is calculated by; based upon relative humidity and temperature. The greater the difference between the water vapor and ambient humidity and temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit. the greater the water vapor pressure exerted.


แปลว่า(english) A reaction is a force exerted by a support on an object: sometimes called support reaction. Using this definition, a reaction is an external force.

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