ค้นเจอ 20 รายการ


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The potential of an atom to attract electrons when the atom is bonded in a compound. The scale is 0 to 4 with 0 being the most electropositive (low attraction) and 4 being the most electronegative (high attraction).


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Small particles which have a negligible settling velocity. These particles have a very small mass so gravitational force is low compared to surface frictional forces. Typical colloidal sizes range from 10-3 mm to 1 mm.

negative carbon

แปลว่า(ไฟฟ้า) ถ่านขั้วลบในโคมไฟอาค

Requirements engineering

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the activities required to elicit, elaborate, negotiate, specify, and validate system or software requirements

negative conductor

แปลว่าสื่อนำกระแสไฟฟลบ คือ สื่อนำกระแสไฟจากขั้วไฟลบ

Software safety

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an SQA activity that focuses on the identification and assessment of potential hazard that may have a negative impact on the operation of software

negative skin friction


Ultimate disposal

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The process of returning residuals back to the environment in a form which will have the minimal or reduced negative environmental impacts.


แปลว่า(ภาพถ่าย) ฟิลม์หรือกระจกถ่ายภาพ



Synergism is the act of working together

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Two chemicals which are synergistic have a greater effect together than the sum of their individual effects. The effect can be either positive or negative.

separation negatives

แปลว่าฟิลม์หรือกระจกแยกสีในการถ่ายทำ แม่พิมพ์สอดสี

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