ค้นเจอ 406 รายการ

compressive stress parallel to grain


compressive stress perpendicular to grain



แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the degree to which a product conforms to both explicit and implicit requirements


แปลว่า(english) Sand adhering to the surface of the casting that is extremely difficult to remove.

Bit, Tool (cutter)

แปลว่า(english) A hardened steel bar or plate that is shaped accordidng to the operation to be performed and the material to be machined.


แปลว่า(english) Conforms to a standard or tolerance.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Particle destabilization to enhance agglomeration.


แปลว่า(english) ZrO2 an acid refractory up to 2500 B0C (4532 B0F) having good thermal shock resistance and low electrical resistively.

Blackening Scab

แปลว่า(english) A form of casting defect related to an improper coating rather than to the sand.


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the activities associated with changes to software after it has been delivered to end-users

Site remediation

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The process of cleaning up a hazardous waste disposal site that has either been abandoned or that those responsible either refuse to cleanup or are financially unable to cleanup.

In situ treatment

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Treatment of a waste in place, as opposed to pumping or digging the waste up and then treating it.

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