ค้นเจอ 864 รายการ

Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects

แปลว่าเงื่อนไขสัญญาสำหรับโครงการแบบงานวิศวกรรม-จัดหา-ก่อสร้าง / โครงการแบบเบ็ดเสร็จ

Isthmus of Kra


angle of cutting

แปลว่ามุมหน้าสิ่ว หมายถึงมุมระหว่างด้านหน้าตั้งกับด้านตัดราบของสิ่วตัด

Manner of execution


Acid Process 1

แปลว่า(english) A process of making steel, either Bessemer, open-hearth or electric, in which the furnace is lined with a siliceous refractory and for which low phosphorus pig iron is required as this element is not removed.

grip of belt


Statically equivalent:

แปลว่า(english) Two force systems are statically equivalent when their resultants are equal. Physically, this means that the force systems tend to impart the same motion when applied to an object; note that the distribution of resulting internal forces in the object may be different.

Project size

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an indication of the overall effort to be expended or the number of people working on the project

Dry Rodded Weight

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The weight of dry aggregate rodded into a cylindrical container of diameter approximately equal to the height, each of 3 layers rodded 25 times, and the excess aggregate struck off level with the top of the container


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The destruction or inactivation of all microorganisms. See Disinfection.

extension of time


breach of the Contract


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