ค้นเจอ 55 รายการ

Primary treatment

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Treatment which includes all operation prior to and including primary treatment, e.g., bar screening, grit removal, comminution, and primary sedimentation.

Boring Tool

แปลว่า(english) A cutting tool in which the tool bit,the boring bar and in some cases the tool holder are incorporated.

Bit, Tool (cutter)

แปลว่า(english) A hardened steel bar or plate that is shaped accordidng to the operation to be performed and the material to be machined.

Blister Steel

แปลว่า(english) High-carbon steel produced by carburizing wrought iron. The bar, originally smooth, is covered with small blisters when removed from the cementation (carburizing) furnace.


แปลว่า(english) A piece of equipment used for bending sheet; also called a bar folder. If operated manually, it is called a hand brake; if power driven, it is called a press brake.


แปลว่า(english) A relatively long straight, rigid piece pf metal; long steel products rolled from billets into such shapes as squares,rectangles, rounds,angles,channels,hexagons,and tees. In steel, “merchant bars” include rounds,flats,angles,squares,and channels that are used by fabricators to manufacture a wide variety of products such as furniture,stair railings and farm equipment. Concrete reinforcing bar (rebar) is used to strengthen concrete in highways,bridges and buildings.

Black Plate

แปลว่า(english) A light weight or a thin uncoated steel sheet or strip so called because of its dark oxide coloring prior to pickling. It is manufactured by two different processes. (1) Form sheet bar on single stand sheet mills or sheet mills in tandem. This method is now almost obsolete. (2) On modern, high speed continuous tandem cold reduction mills from coiled hot rolled pickled wide strip into ribbon wound coils to finished gage. Sizes range from 12 to 32 in width, and in thicknesses from 55 lbs. to 275 lbs. base box weight. It is used either as is for stampings, or may be enameled or painted or tin or terne coated.

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