break down
แปลว่าเครื่อง (ยนต์ ) เสีย
tone down
knocked down
แปลว่าส่วนประกอบที่ถอดออก และประกอบเข้าได้ทีหลัง
break down voltage
down draught carburettor
step down transformer
แปลว่าเครื่องแปลงแรงกระแสไฟให้ลดลง (แปลงแรงสูงเป็นแรงต่ำ)
Bright Bessemer Wire
แปลว่า(english) Stiff bright wire of hard temper. Normally wire is drawn down to size without annealing.
แปลว่า(english) Sinking a pattern down into the sand to the desired position and ramming the sand around it.
Back Rake
แปลว่า(english) The angular surface ground back from the cutting edge of cutting tools. On lathe cutting tools. The rake is positive if the face slopws down from the cutting edge toward the shank, and negative if the face sloopes upward toward the shank.
Blast Furnace
แปลว่า(english) 1) A furnace in which solid fuel (limestone, coke, iron ore) is combined with high-pressure, hot air blast (120,000 psi) to smelt ore in a continuous process (They are never stopped. They can be slowed down or idled). A Blast Furnace in the iron and steel industry is used to produce liquid iron.
Black Oil Tempered Spring Steel Strip (Scaleless Blue)
แปลว่า(english) A flat cold rolled usually .70/.80 medium high carbon steel strip, blue-black in color, which has been quenched in oil and drawn to desired hardness. While it looks and acts much like blue tempered spring steel and carries a Rockwell hardness of C44/47, it has not been polished and is lower in carbon content. Used for less exacting requirements than clock spring steel, such as snaps, lock springs, hold down springs, trap springs, etc. It will take a more severe bend before fracture than will clock spring, but it does not have the same degree of spring-back.