ค้นเจอ 375 รายการ

Non-agitating Unit

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A truck-mounted unit for transporting ready-mixed concrete short distances, not equipped to provide agitation (slow mixing) during delivery.


แปลว่า(english) ZrO2 an acid refractory up to 2500 B0C (4532 B0F) having good thermal shock resistance and low electrical resistively.


แปลว่า(english) Market condition where the spot, or current price for a metal is higher than the three-month delivery price. This usually indicates immediate demand is perceived to be stronger than long-term demand. Not considered to be a "normal" market state (See Contango).

Balanced Steel

แปลว่า(english) Steels in which the deoxidisation is controlled to produce an intermediate structure between a rimmed and killed steel, Sometimes referred to as semi-killed steels, they possess uniform properties throughout the ingot and amongst their applications are boiler plate and structural sections.

Change control

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) an umbrella process that enables a project team to accept, evaluate, and act on changes in a systematic manner


แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Property of freshly mixed concrete, cement paste or mortar which determines its ease of molding or resistance to deformation.

In situ treatment

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Treatment of a waste in place, as opposed to pumping or digging the waste up and then treating it.

Beam and Sling

แปลว่า(english) Tackle used in conjunction with a crane for turning over the cope or drag of a mold prior to assembly.

Structured programming

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a design method that limited design constructs to only three basic forms and constrains program flow for better quality

Software process improvement (SPI)

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) a set of software engineering activities that attempt to improve the state of software engineering practice within an organization


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The atmosphere from approximately 12 km to 70 km. The temperature of the atmosphere increases in this region.Strong acid

Pair programming

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) two people work together (side-by-side) to design and construct a software component, providing real-time problem solving and quality control.

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