ค้นเจอ 562 รายการ

Arbitration in the Absence of a Party

แปลว่าวิธีการอนุญาโตตุลาการ ในการตัดสินข้อเรียกร้องหรือข้อพิพาท โดยฝ่ายหนึ่งไม่ได้มาร่วมอยู่ด้วย

Synergism is the act of working together

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Two chemicals which are synergistic have a greater effect together than the sum of their individual effects. The effect can be either positive or negative.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Organisms which utilize energy from wastes or dead organisms. Decomposers complete the cycle by returning nutrients to the soil or water and carbon dioxide to the air or water.

Absolute Volume

แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The volume of an ingredient in its solid state, without voids between individual pieces or particles, in the case of fluids, the cubic content occupied. In concrete, the actual volume occupied by the different ingredients determined by dividing the weight of each ingredient pounds, by ifs specific gravity, times the weight of one cubic foot of water in pounds. Example: Absolute Volume of one sack of cement equals: 94 ๗ (3.15X62.4) = 0.478 cubic feet

Blacking Hole

แปลว่า(english) Irregular-shaped surface cavities in a casting containing carbonaceous matter. Caused by spilling off of the blacking from the mold surface.

Surface force:

แปลว่า(english) A force applied to the surface of an object.

Bolster (die block)

แปลว่า(english) A “tool” or reinforcing part which supports the backer-which, in turn, supports an extruding die against the pressure of extrusion.

Brinell Hardness Testing

แปลว่า(english) Method of determining the hardness of materials; involves impressing a hardened ball of specified diameter into the material surface at a known pressure (10-mm ball, 500-kg load for aluminum alloys). The Brinell hardness number results from calculations involving the load and the spherical area of the ball impression. Direct-reading testing are generally used for routine inspection of forgings, and as a heat treat control function.

Classes - a basic construct in object

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) oriented methods that categorizes elements of the problem

Dissolved oxygen (DO)

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The amount of molecular oxygen dissolved in water.


แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the creation of a mock-up of an application

Blow Back

แปลว่า(english) A coating defect consisting of a lower coating film weight on the bottom of the coated sheet caused by high velocity air in the oven. Blow back usually occurs with high solids coatings which have little solvent to evaporate and "set" the film.

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