แปลว่า(english) Machine located at each delivery reel to automatically place circumference bands around completed coils.
แปลว่า(english) Uncoiler rolls through which the strip passes; composed of a mandrel and leveling rolls which unwind the strip prior to processing through the Pickler. Breaker rolls assist in breaking up the Hot Mill surface scale.
Balling Drum
แปลว่า(english) A rotating drum that is used for adding moisture to the sinter mix in the Blast Furnace. Also, it enhances a balling action where the smaller sized materials adhere to larger materials.
WebApps (Web Applications)
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) any application that delivers meaningful content or functionality to end users via the Web.
Component reuse
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the ability to reuse a portion of a model, source code, test case, etc.
Requirements engineering
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the activities required to elicit, elaborate, negotiate, specify, and validate system or software requirements
Stress resultant:
แปลว่า(english) A system of forces which is statically equivalent to a stress distribution over an area.
Bright Bessemer Wire
แปลว่า(english) Stiff bright wire of hard temper. Normally wire is drawn down to size without annealing.
Component (of a vector):
แปลว่า(english) Any vector can be expressed as a collection of vectors whose sum is equal to the original vector. Each vector in this collection is a component of the original vector. It is common to express a vector in terms of components which are parallel to the x and y axes.
Test cases, derivation of
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the creation of data that can be used to uncover errors in the software
แปลว่า(Software Engineering) anything that is required to get the project done, people, hardware, materials, information, etc.
แปลว่า(english) A preliminary forging operation to give the piece approximately the correct shape for subsequent forming.