Black Iron
แปลว่า(english) Uncoated steel product.
rolled steel
machine steel
แปลว่าเหล็กเหนียวที่ใช้ทำเครื่องมีคม เช่น มีดกลึง, ใบกบไสโลหะ
Band, Inside
แปลว่า(english) A loose steel frame placed inside a removable flask to reinforce the sand at the parting line after the flask has been removed.
Acid Process 1
แปลว่า(english) A process of making steel, either Bessemer, open-hearth or electric, in which the furnace is lined with a siliceous refractory and for which low phosphorus pig iron is required as this element is not removed.
steel blade
flint and steel
Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF)
แปลว่า(english) "WHAT A pear-shaped furnace, lined with refractory bricks, that refines molten iron from the blast furnace and scrap into steel. Up to 30% of the charge into the BOF can be scrap, with hot metal accounting for the rest. WHY BOFs, which can refine a heat (batch) of steel in less than 45 minutes, replaced open-hearth furnaces in the 1950s; the latter required five to six hours to process the metal. The BOF's rapid operation, lower cost and ease of control give it a distinct advantage over previous methods. HOW Scrap is dumped into the furnace vessel, followed by the hot metal from the blast furnace. A lance is lowered from above, through which blows a high-pressure stream of oxygen to cause chemical reactions that separate impurities as fumes or slag. Once refined, the liquid steel and slag are poured into separate containers. "
Basic Oxygen Process 2
แปลว่า(english) A steel making process wherein oxygen of the highest purity is blown onto the surface of a bath of molten iron contained in a basic lined and ladle shaped vessel. The melting cycle duration is extremely short with quality comparable to Open Hearth Steel.
steel suspension rod
แปลว่าเหล็กเส้นยึดลูกนอน หรือขั้นบันไดของบันไดแบบแขวนลอย
steel wire brush
steel square
แปลว่าฉากเหล็ก, บรรทัดเหล็ก