ค้นเจอ 376 รายการ


แปลว่า(english) Similar to the concept of center of gravity, except that it applies to a two dimensional shape rather than an object. For a given shape, the centroid location corresponds to the center of gravity for a thin flat plate of that shape, made from a homogeneous material.


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The fraction of a species entering a system which is converted to product.

Project tracking

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the activity that enables a manager to understand the status of a project


แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) A functional group with an oxygen atom double bonded to a carbon atom.

Gas stripping

แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) Gas transfer of an undesirable gas from a water stream to the atmosphere.


แปลว่า(english) Machine located at each delivery reel to automatically place circumference bands around completed coils.

Burr Mashers

แปลว่า(english) Devices used to remove build up on edge of strip after the slitting process.

Balling Drum

แปลว่า(english) A rotating drum that is used for adding moisture to the sinter mix in the Blast Furnace. Also, it enhances a balling action where the smaller sized materials adhere to larger materials.

WebApps (Web Applications)

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) any application that delivers meaningful content or functionality to end users via the Web.

Component reuse

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the ability to reuse a portion of a model, source code, test case, etc.

Requirements engineering

แปลว่า(Software Engineering) the activities required to elicit, elaborate, negotiate, specify, and validate system or software requirements

Stress resultant:

แปลว่า(english) A system of forces which is statically equivalent to a stress distribution over an area.

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