แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) Removing or alleviating defects on a concrete surface by applying a mixture of sand and cement to the moistened surface and rubbing with a coarse material such as burlap.
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) An organism or group of organisms and their surroundings. The boundary of an ecosystem may be arbitrarily chosen to suit the area of interest or study.
Actual Weight
แปลว่า(english) The customer buys by the actual (scale) weight of the steel. The theoretical weight is used in estimating, however, it is not to be used for billing.
A Elevation
แปลว่า(English) The top level of the boiler firebox where four oil guns are located. The oil guns are used to produce steam and maintain pressure while the boiler is on oil fire.
แปลว่า(english) A valve that may be used to divert the flow of fluid in a passage. Most normally configured in a two-way pattern that is either open or closed.
แปลว่า(english) A directed interaction between two objects that tends to change the momentum of both.Since a force has both direction and magnitude, it can be expressed as a vector
แปลว่า(Environmental Engineering) The anoxic biological conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas. It occurs naturally in surface waters low in oxygen, and it can be engineered in wastewater treatment systems.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A method of concrete construction such as where members are cast horizontally near their eventual position, usually on a recently placed slab, and then tilted into place after removal of forms.
Bamboo Grain Structure
แปลว่า(english) A structure in wire or sheet in which the boundaries of the grains tend to be aligned normal to the long axis and to extend completely through the thickness.
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) A quantity of cement: 94 Ibs. in the United States, 87.5 Ibs. in Canada, for portland or air entraining portland cement, or as indicated on the sack for other kinds of cement.
Bend Test
แปลว่า(english) Various tests which is used to ascertain the toughness and ductility of a metal product, in which the material is bent around its axis and/ or around an outside radius. A complete test might specify such a bend to be both with and against the direction of grain. For testing, samples should be edge filed to remove burrs and any edgewise cracks resulting from slitting or shearing. If a vice is to be employed, then you must line the jaws with some soft metal, to permit a flow of the metal in the piece being tested.
Change of State
แปลว่า(Concrete Engineering) The process whereby liquid is heated to the point of evaporation changing the liquid into a gas the condensation of a gas on a cooler surface returning it from gaseous to liquid form.