Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age Do what you can, with what you have, where you are Life is a big canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it Life remains the same until the pain of remaining the same becomes greater than the pain of change Praise the bridge that carried you over The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first. When you learn to live for others, they will live for you Thinking: The talking of the soul with itself Wealth is like Sea Water:The more you drink the more thirsty you get You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people all the time You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself You know you're old when the candles cost more than the cake